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Free Powerpoint Templates Preschool Education

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Preschool education:

Transcript: All children between 3 and 4 recieve 15 hours free childcare regardles of their income status FORSKOLa eARLY YEARS (Ministry of Education, 2010) Background information surrounding education Please click on the video to play :) Forskola (Preschool) (Office for National Statistics, 2017) Statutory Foundation Stage Unit References English Style reference photos! Ghetti Images Independant Childminders Preschool education: sweden vs england (Nutkins, Mcdonald & Stephen, 2013; Savage, 2013; Swedish Institute, 2017) Preschool: Sweden vs England (GOV.UK, 2017; PreschoolLA, 2017; NIDirect, 2017) Clark, M. M., & Waller, T. (2007). Early childhood education and care: Policy and practice. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Country Plug (2016, April 6th). How preschool education works in England. [Video File]. Retrieved from Department for Education (2017). Childcare and early years providers survey. London: HMSO Laura Kimball (2016, October 28th). Swedish preschool curriculum. [Video File]. Retrieved from London Early Years Foundation (2013, November 20th). A day in the life of a nursery. [Video File]. Retrieved from Ministry of Education (2010). Swedish Constitution. Retrieved from NIDirect (2017). Pre-school education places September 2018. Retrieved from Nutkins, S., McDonald, C., & Stephen, M. (2013). Early childhood education and care. London: SAGE Publications Office for National Statistics (2017) UK Population 2017 Statistics. Retrieved from PreschoolLA (2017, July 27th). Neil Leitch speaks to BBC Breakfast about 30 hours 'free' childcare. [Video File]. Retrieved from Savage, M. (2013). Night Nurseries: Sweden’s round the clock childcare. Retrieved from Stastistiska Centralbyran (2017) Population Statistics. Retrieved from Swedish Institute (2017). Education in Sweden. Retrieved from guaranteed a place at a public preschool regardless of income Parent's that are charged only have to pay for their first three children, after that they cost is covered by the municipality (government) (Statistiska Centralbyran, 2017) Patnership Sure Start Programmes öppna förskolan (Open preschool - Under 2's only) Here is a little insight into a day in the life of an English preschool. If parents are eligible to be charged (i.e have more than one child), they will not be charged any more than 3% of their salaries. (Clark & Waller, 2007, p30-31) Maintained Nursery Schools Förskoleklass (Preparatory Class) From September 2017, children who are eligible (i.e: come from a family who work 16 hours a week) will recieve 30 hours free childcare a week A Day in the Life of Nursery: Swedish Provision Private Nursery Schools Private Creches Pedagogisk Verksamhet (Childminders) Forskola VS Early Years Settings develop their own admissions policies with criterias that must be met in order to recieve a place in the setting. As the majority of nurseries within England are privte and public nurseries only have a limited amount of funded places. Fritidshem (After School Care) Interesting Facts: Sweden VS England Early Years' Education Provisions in England and Sweden English Provision 80% of children between 1-5 years attend forskola for at LEAST a few hours a day. (Kimball, 2016) 71% of children aged 2, and 95% of 3 and four year olds attend preschool in England. (Department for Education, 2017) Sweden has a population of 10,093,734 - not even a quarter of the population in the UK! England has a population of 55,268,067 and has less forest mass than Sweden! Sweden is the third largest country in Europe and has 2.5x more landmass than the UK - more than half is covered by forests (Nutkins, McDonald & Stephen, 2013, p 172) In England, Pre-school is also known as Nursery or the Early Years' Stage, is not compulsory and is available for children from birth to five. Compulsory education starts after the child turns 5, when the child is "school ready" (CountryPlug, 2015) Funding: Early Years and Forskola In Sweden, pre-school is known as Forskola for children aged one to five. Forskoleklass is the preparatory year before they start formal education at seven and is available to all children the year they turn six. Forskola and Forskoleklass are not compulsory however most children attend. (Swedish Institute, 2017)

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

Preschool Education

Transcript: By: Samantha Schaefer Preschool Education Check list for preschool The checklist is an important part of enrolling your child to help the teachers determine where your child is at. The teachers will help the children work on some of these so they are ready when approaching kindergarten. Check list for preschool Is your child ready for preschool? Your child should be able to do these 5 things to show they are ready for preschool. 1) show signs of independence, 2) able to keep a schedule, 3) Has the stamina to make it through the day, 4) Doesn’t suffer from separation anxiety, and 5) Interacts well with other children. Is your child ready for preschool? Why you shoud attend preschool 1) Preschool provides a foundation for learning, both socially and academically. 2) Preschool is an opportunity for kids to be in a structured setting. 3) Preschool will prepare children for elementary school where things get more academic. 4) Preschool will help your child develop socially and emotionally. 5) Preschool will help your children find answers to their numerous questions. 6) They will learn their ABCs and 123s. Why you shoud attend preschool Do you really need to attend? Sending your children off to preschool is good because they get to work on their social skills, as well as interacting with other kids, and making relationships outside the family. The benefits of preschool are: Academic Achievement, School Readiness, Social/Emotional Development, and Social Progress. Do you really need to attend? Long term effects it has on the child's development The long term benefits of having your child at preschool helps them in school, and they will perform better than those who refuse to attend or think it isn't necessary to attend. Having your child attend helps them in ways we can't as parents or concerned family members. Long term effects it has on the child's development

Preschool Education

Transcript: - preschool was not a requirement - What was taught depended on the teacher - before 1960, education of young children was primarily regarded as the responsibility of the families within the child's home. -in the 1960's, only 10% of the nations three and four year olds were enrolled in a preschool setting - Head Start was the first publicly funded preschool program in 1965, by president Johnson - Focus on language and social skills -No Child Left Behind-signed into law In 2005 69% of four year old children participated in some type of state preschool program. Preschool's changing models and features from the past, to the future for our youngest learners. We will compare/contrast the past, present and future models of early childhood education in our presentation. We want to focus on a few changing features that have started, and will continue to dramatically change the future of preschool education. 1) Attendance (manditory) 2) More expectations 3) More than just "daycare"== less play more work Future Overview past Preschool Education present ---following video/photos do not actually look like what classrooms will look like in the future. They only REPRESENT some of the below ideas---to an extreme. ---Key thoughts : As stated in first slide... these features are the foundation for the changes younger children having more and higher expectations more structure/academics, less play larger class sizes and more students in early education programs parents having increasing desire for assisting education from younger ages, sending children for others desires than "day-care" Use of technology/books/lessons to enrich learning Preschool programs forming some type of "manditory" requirement for eelementary school. 4k---> 5K 5K---->K K-----<1st etc -at the age of 20, participants in a study--havng gone to preschool were more likely to have finished high school and gone onto college than participants that were not in any preschool programs -academics are now being more emphasized then ever in past years, play and academics are mixed -they now have preschools of the arts Wisconsin is a leader in 4K programs -yearly increase of enrollment in preschool continues to grow due to maternal employment -right now, only Georgia, Illinois, Florida, Oklahoma, West Virgina, and New York are the only states that already have a universal preschool for all 4 year olds -by 2020, preschool may be expected in order for those children to be placed in the "talent pool" of the workplace some day

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