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Wireless Notice Board

Transcript: Smart Notice Board by Jugal Mahida What is Smart Notice Board ? Indroduction IOT Project Definition Definition Smart Notice Board is IOT Base Smart Notice Board. This Board For General Public Announcement, Some Adds and Reminders. Instead Using Peper It Will Show Message in LCD Display. Benefits Features Save Paper Easliy Moveable Control Over WiFi No Need of Software Abstract Project Abstract Smart Notice Board Objective To Save Valueable Paper. Easily Modification In Your Notice. Easily integrated with all general purpose display board Fast Communication In School, Collage, Hostpital and Corporate Companys. Objectives Procedure 1. Connect Your Device Accoding Your Network 2. Open Google Chorme And Enter New IP Address. 3. Finally Send Your Notice To Board. Approach Results You Can See Your Message To Screen. After Send Your Message, You Can Easily Update Your Message. The Message Also Read at Night. Results Flow Chart Working Process Simple Working Process Of Smart Notice Board 1. First Browser Send The Message to Node MCU. 2. Then Node MCU Receive The Message Through WiFi. 3. In Last, Node MCU Send Messge to LCD Display And LCD Display Show The Message. Conclusion The proposed system deals about the design of smart and efficient notice board which overcomes the disadvantages of the existing notice system. It accepts the message, stores it, and displays it on the LED screen. It is an eco-friendly design which uses less man power to display important information. It gives quick exchange of data and is less expensive to introduce and keep up.


Transcript: BLUETOOTH BASED WIRELESS NOTICE BOARD USING ARDUINO PROJECT-II PROJECT -II PRESENTED BY- SHREYASH MISHRA(184030) [ETCE 8TH SEM] PRESENTED TO- MS. JYOTI MAM GUIDED BY- MS. MONIKA MAM INTRODUCTION If the user wants to display any message, he can send the information by SMS and thus update the LCD display accordingly. As engineer’s main aim is to make life simple with help of technology, this is one step to simplify advertisement boards by using electronic display digital boards instead of flex boards. In this world Mobile Phones and the related technologies are becoming more and more prevalent. Subtopic 1 OUTLINE Subtopic 2 Bluetooth based wireless notice board using Arduino will help us in passing any message almost immediately without any delay just by sending a SMS which is better and more reliable than the old traditional way of passing the message on notice board. This proposed technology can be used in colleges, many public places, to enhance the security system and also make awareness of the emergency situations and avoid many dangers. For this purpose, Android based application programs for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication between Android based personal digital assistant devices and remote wireless display board are used Using the developed system, two different applications for displaying messages on a remote digital notice board and wireless person calling has been implemented. It also helps in saving the time and the cost for paper and printing hardware. COMPONENTS REQUIRED 1. RF MODULES 2.ARDUINO UNO (ATMEGA 328) 3. BLUETOOTH 4.POWER SUPPLY 5.LCD DISPLAY 6.ANDROID APP(BT TERMINAL) PROJECT-II BLOCK DIAGRAM Text CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Pictures APPLICATION  Uses in Banks  Stock Exchange  Uses in Educational sector  Information purpose PROJECT-II 2019 ADVANTAGES Timeline 1.It avoids interference from other wireless devices. 2.It has lower power consumption. 3.It is easily upgradeable. 4.It has range better than Infrared communication. 5.The Bluetooth is used for voice and data transfer. 6.Bluetooth devices are available at very cheap cost. 7.No line of sight hence can connect through any obstacles. 8.Free to use if the device is installed with Bluetooth. 9.The technology is adopted in many products such as head set, in car system, printer, web cam, GPS system, keyboard and mouse. CONCLUSIONS Map Form this project we conclude implementing Wireless Notice Board that:-  It eliminates the use of a printer .  It is user friendly i.e., any layman can operate it.  Messages can be sent anytime & corrected instantaneously .  Messages lasts until the power in switched off FUTURE SCOPE 1. This proposed system has many upcoming applications in educational institutions and organizations, crime prevention, traffic management, railways, advertisements etc. 2. By Using this proposed methodology, we can enhance the security system and also make awareness of the emergency situations and avoid.Latency involved in using of papers in displaying of notices is avoided and the information can be updated by the authorized persons. Chart

Notice Board

Transcript: Frost Worm Disrupting Trade Once in a Lifetime Chance Client: Lords Matsui and Yoshida Client: Lord Pierre Allard Location: The Silver Isle Attacks Along Northern Coast Location: Bereliun Location: Justicar Client: High Priestess Terzis You all have received an invitation to a meeting with Lord Pierre Allard, who runs the ludere (casino) Lost in Pair O' Dice in Bereliun. "I wish to speak to you all about a wondrous opportunity, I have been seeking notable individuals for a little, experiments, we'll call it for now, and Lady Johanna Lavine has mentioned you quite a bit over the years, it seems she's been keeping tabs of your adventures, and I find you lot suitable for what we have planned. Present these invitations to the receptionist near the Suites, and they'll notify me and I'll get everything ready. Best Regards, Lord Allard" Reward: Unkown We have received word from the church in Justicar that there have been reports of red and blue frog people attacking some of the villages nearby. We're unsure, but based on descriptions we believe these to be Slaadi, invaders from the plane of Limbo. Little is known of these creatures in our records, so do take caution. After healing the one Garth Giggs of his Aboleth Infection, we are calling upon you all to repay your debts. We understand this may be a hefty request, so you can still expect a monetary reward after all is said and done. Please seek High Priestess Marcella for current details in the church in Justicar. You may return to either city to collect reward upon completion. Survivors have noted a massive worm destroying cravans and eating some of the livestock of the surrounding villages. Not only does this disrupt trade, but as a new haven for monsters willing to switch to a non-human diet, our livestock is vital to our success. Should the attakcs persist, we fear it won't be long until the whole city may be under seige by this monster. Attacks have been along the southern road into town, and some of the villages to the east. Please return to the Silver Isle with proof of success to collect your reward. Reward: 30,000 GP 2,500 PP Reward: 34,000 GP, 3,200 PP

Notice Board

Transcript: Welcome to the presentation Introduction Notice Board a service from Darter Technologies which started out as a communication tool has evolved into a set of school tools for effective communication and record maintenance. A strong foundation for a child is made by three corner stones: parents, school and teachers. Notice Board’s primary goal is to strengthen the relationship between the three and to help them communicate and collaborate to provide an environment that fosters the growth of the child. Why Notice Board? Better informed parents Better disciplined students Better results and performance Advantages Advantages School - All you need to use this service is a basic computer with an internet connection. - Login to the application with the user-name and password to start using. - Notice Board has a simple and appealing user interface which is as easy as browsing on the internet. Features how it works - SMS App - Marks app - Attendance app - Management communication app Notice board is an online tool for educational institutions built using the latest cloud technology which facilitates for easy and effective communication with parents and maintaining records of the students. Notice Board Applications • Build long-lasting relationship with parents; • Inform parents about circulars and reminders easily; • Easily inform parents about their wards’ marks, attendance etc..; • Keep parents informed about school activities; • Ensure maintenance of discipline amongst students; • Keep a check on students’ behaviour; • Easy and cost effective mode of communication to parents; • Efficient storage and management of data without facing the hurdles of virus attacks or hardware failures. We envision a future where Notice Board and our software services are the very heart of innovation in school management, integrating communication, data maintainance, online presence, branding, digital marketing and other tools utilized in school management and becoming a powerful online tool and resource for educational institutions. Students - Birthday triggering - Reminder widget - school bus app Easy storage and maintainence of student data Be ahead in using the latest cloud technology. No need to maintain servers and database All maintainence is done by us Go green, save paper that is used for sending circulars Communicate easily and effectively with parents providing better information. Enjoy the new features and modules that are added to the software periodically parent Services student what is notice board? Parents • Track child's test performance, attendance, behavior and get involved; • Receive immediate updates from the management; • Be informed about the management decisions school > Effectively communicate with parents to: Build a strong, long-lasting relationship. Foster good all round growth of students partnering with parents. > Adopt and implement technology which aligns with the institutions vision > Better discipline and performance from students > Organized storage of student records. Teachers Notice Board offers the following to the schools TOOLS - Server maintainence - Database maintainence - Record maintainence - SMS delivery reports - Initial data entry- - technical support teachers What is Notice Board? FUTURE The ultimate benefactors to the above advantages are the student themselves • Collaborate with parents to strengthen the home-school link; • Store records like attendance, grades, etc… online with ease; update such details from your work-desk, home or laptop; and • Update parents instantly about child's absence, progress etc. How it works?


Transcript: The School was founded in 2014 by Karen O ‘Carroll , Katie Kehoe and Jennifer Doyle. It is a Mixed VEC school with a multi-denominational ethos. The school’s building was an ambitious project, which eventually paid off, providing ample space and facilities for it’s students. Since opening the school has become well known by the local community, particularly for its reputation of excellent behaviour from the students and the schools emphasis on reaching out to the local community through its various forms of charity work. It has over 600 students and continuing to enroll. OAKHALLOW SCHOOL OF LEARNING Carlingford Adventure Centre Gaisce Awards SCHOOL HISTORY Oakwood School of Learning MISSION STATEMENT This workshop is OPEN TO ALL, staff and students. Take a break from all of life's worries and learn how to control those anxious thoughts. Come to the glass house at 12:00 on Wednesday! Bring an open mind and prepare to relax! I hope to see you all there! Alliance will be providing a 'Let's Talk' workshop tomorrow afternoon in the glass room. All staff and students are encouraged to attend. Conor Qusack will be speaking and will highlight the importance of talking and supporting one another. There will plenty of oppertunities to ask questions and to share any worries or problems that you may be having in relation to bullying. Although you may not be suffering from bullying by attending these workshops sometime during your life you may be able to help someone who is... Be There, Be Aware. BIRDSEYE VIEW OF OUTDOORS A peaceful Mind is a Peaceful Heart Belguim Space Camp MEDITATION AND STRESS MANAGEMENT OAKHALLOW SCHOOL OF LEARNING ALIIANCE Anti-Bullying Initiative CODE OF DISCIPLINE DREAM, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE... Reading and Creative Writing Problem Solving Skills Mathematics Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry) Music Sound Production Gardening Computer Gaming/ Programming Sport Language Development Meditation Learning Together Graphic Design Art Moral Development Career Guidance Religious Education History Geography Foreign Exchange Programme Life Skills Metal Work Wood Work Home Economics Hair and Beauty First Aid and Care Computer and Organisational Skills SUBJECT LIST TRANSITION YEAR PROGRAMME Our school strives to promote and develop a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure learning environment, where the pupils feel happy and motivated in their learning, and teachers and staff feel fulfilled, motivated and supported. As our school community is built upon the pillars of pastoral care, education and an awareness of religion and spirituality, we welcome with open arms pupils of different nationalities and religions to grow in faith and achieve in education during their time in our school. The promotion of care, forgiveness, achievement, friendship, spirituality and education molds our school into a community with teachers, school staff, parents and pupils, who all strive towards excellence and learning. Workshop providing stress management tips and quick meditations WINTER UNIFORM SUMMER UNIFORM BIRDSEYE VIEW OF INDOORS Work Experience

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