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Transcript: Methodism Saints United Methodist Church (UMC) The United Methodist Church's understanding of a "saint" is not unique among Protestants, yet differs significantly from the Roman Catholic view. Methodists do not have a process for electing people to sainthood. They do not pray to saints, nor do they believe that saints serve as mediators to God. The denomination considers all faithful Christians to be saints. Methodists also honor notable heroes and heroines of the Christian faith and look to these prominent saints as providing examples of holy living and commitment to Christ that are worthy of imitation. Such exemplary saints include martyrs, confessors of the Faith, evangelists, or important biblical figures such as Saint Matthew, Salvation Army Founder William Booth, African missionary David Livingstone and Methodism's revered founder John Wesley are among many cited as Protestant saints. Origins The United Methodist Church basis was started in 1735 by a man named John Wesley and his brother Charles. It officially became a denomination of the Christian faith in 1968 in Dallas, Texas. Today Methodism is the third largest Christian denomination in the world. 12 million people are members of the UMC. History Methodism is based off of three major beliefs: John Wesley People are all, by nature, "dead in sin," and, consequently, "children of wrath." They are "justified by faith alone." Faith produces inward and outward holiness. Beliefs of Other Issues in the UMC John and Charles Wesley went to America to teach the gospel to the American Indians in the colony of Georgia. In less than two years, the "Holy Club" disbanded. John Wesley returned to England and met with a group of clergymen he respected. He said "they appeared to be of one heart, as well as of one judgment, resolved to be Bible-Christians at all events; and, wherever they were, to preach with all their might plain, old, Bible Christianity". The ministers retained their membership in the Church of England. Though not always emphasized or appreciated in the Anglican churches of their day, their teaching emphasized salvation by God's grace, acquired through faith in Christ. Very quickly, these clergymen became popular, attracting large congregations. The nickname students had used against the Wesley's was revived; they and their followers became known as Methodists Alcohol Capital Punishment Abortion Diversity in Beliefs The UMC does not completely abolish alcohol from members lives but they do suggest avoidance of it. They see drinking as dangerous. It is disliked because the UMC sees alcohol as disrespecting the body God blessed you with. In fact in the Holy Sacrament of Communion the church uses grape juice instead of wine, also opening the holy table to people of all ages. The UMC does not see abortion as an acceptable practice. They uphold the sanctity of human life of both mother and child. Bearing a child is a gift from God. Because the church does not accept abortion they will strive to help members find feasible alternatives regardless of the mothers choice. Methodists believe in and accept diversity among their beliefs and others beliefs. The United Methodist Church allows for a wide range of theological and political beliefs. Many practicing United Methodists believe this flexibility is one of the UMC's strongest qualities. The church condemns the death penalty, saying that it cannot accept retribution or social vengeance as a reason for taking human life. The Church also holds that the death penalty falls unfairly and unequally upon people including the poor, the uneducated, ethnic and religious minorities, and persons with mental and emotional illnesses. In the bible Jesus calls upon his followers instead of taking out a mans eye if he takes out yours to turn the other cheek. Military Service Gambling Homosexuality War The United Methodist Church has a strong history of disagreement about the topic of homosexuality. The United Methodist book of discipline states that the church "affirm[s] that all persons are individuals of sacred worth, created in the image of God" and encourages United Methodists to be in ministry with and for all people. Therefore the church is called to accept all who wish to be a part of the church. However Jesus Christ specifically stated that marriage is to be between one man and one woman. So the UMC is opposed to same sex marriage. The majority of church members are also opposed to homosexual dating and intercourse, being that sex is only allowed within marriage and homosexuals cant get married. The church opposes gambling, believing it that feeds off of human greed and which invites people to place their trust in possessions rather than in God. Also gambling can become addictive. When something becomes addictive the UMC believes that it becomes a distraction from God. The United Methodist Church maintains that war is incompatible with Christ's message and teachings. Therefore, the Church rejects war as an


Transcript: The Name Compare and Contrast with The Wesleyan Church United Methodist Church Two Sacraments: 2 baptisms Eucharist (Holy Communion, Lords supper) Given sometimes & Bread and grape juice (non-alcoholic) Materials Presented in their Faith: Sanctuary Cross With Flame, represents burning of God and alludes to Pentecost *Matrimony is a covenant (Same sex is allowed depending on the pastor) *seek to create disciples through evangelism Experience Forms of Hierarchy or Governing Bodies in their Universal Faith: Acalights Judicial- Supreme Executive- Council of Bishop (all active bishops meet twice a year) Legislative- General Conference Geristal (9 elected people from this conference) District superintendent Opportunities and Events their Faith Offers Guide to Live a more "Ethical Life": Book of Resolution John Wesley Made a set of Rules Best for Attaining Holiness Do no harm Do good (active social justice arenas) Attend upon ordinance of God (Church service fasting, communion) Similarities Work Cited Doctrinal Elements and Truths Special Rituals and Materials Ministries/ Experiential Opportunities: Bible Study Boy Scouts Aa Meetings Social Events: Living Nativity Summer Concerts Approach the bible to be without error (contains everything for one to be saved) evangelical interpretation of Biblical teachings Do not uphold the same beliefs for Homosexuality Not apart of the World Council of Churches (but in ties with the World Methodist Council and Other Evangelical Denominations) reason Differences Tradition Hierarchy United Methodist Church Background Doctrinal Elements: bible book of discipline book of resolution The Articles Of Religion Confession of Faith Book of common prayer Recognizes eucemenical creeds, apostle creed, and nicene creeed Roles of Women in the Church: NO LIMITATION Ordain Women (can be pastors) United Methodist Church - Post 1968 Merger - name of the Church now - technically includes two churches beliefs but acts and governs as one church Ethical Behaviors The Quadrilateral Both Considered themselves diverse accept the basic tenants of Christianity:the Virgin Birth, the Trinity, the divine and human natures of Christ, Christ's death and resurrection and the second coming Accept Protestant ideas about salvation and God's Grace in our lives Carry John Wesley's Message The quadrilateral Spiritual Truth Elements: Not mythical 4 types of atonement Connexionalism Evangelism & Sanctification Methodism - Pre Merger - name of Overall Belief - Like saying Protestant or Anglican By: Josie Paiste and Rhenee Martinez (Period 1) Founder: John WEsley - Created on April 23, 1968 (Bishop H Mueller Represented the Evangelical United Brethren) - John and Charles Wesley as Students in England came to the new world to spread their movement - John believed in Prevenient Grace -connexionalism - WEsley appointed Thomas Coke as First Bishop Important People apart of their Faith Pastor Brian Long - ordained as elder in full connection 2011 - married with two kids -been at Yorba Linda United Methodist Church for a few months Scripture Qualifications of their Pastors: Masters in Divinity Training- Local pastor (doesn't Need masters), Deacon, Elder Full Connection


Transcript: History & Beliefs Rules & Do's and Don'ts Rituals and Practice Random Facts This religion was started by John and Charles Wesley. Both were priests of the church of England. The Methodist religion was started in England in 1744 CE. 70,000,000 people follow this religion. The person they believe in is God (trinity.) They read the bible. 80 Methodist, 80.5 million, 133 countries. They believe that fallen humans can only be saved by God's forgiveness found in the bible. They go to Heaven or Hell. and their purpose in life is to glorify God. Methodist 1. You shall have no other gods before me. 2. You shall not make yourself for a carved image. 3. You shall not take the name of your LORD your god in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness. 10. You shall covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. You need to pray. You must also come to church. By, Zach R Core:1 Their place of worship is church. They eat normal foods. They wear normal clothes. Their logo is their main symbol and icon. Their Holidays are Christmas, Easter, etc... Some special places are Where Wesley Walked, Cathedral Church of American Methodism, God's Square Mile at the Jersey Shore, and a couple more. The crucifix is a symbol Jesus sacrifised himself for us. Methodisim started as a movement in the eighteenth century. US Central Conferences Total church membership 7,299,753 5,525,924 Total active churches 32,608 11,013 Total clergy membership 44,469 14,212 Weekly Worship Attendance 2,908,352 -- Annual Conferences 57 75 Episcopal Areas 46 20 Jurisdictions 5 7 Men and women have the same rights.


Transcript: Methodist is a group of historically related denominations of protestant christianity which derive their inspiration from the life and teachings of John Wesley. the methodist church began with a group of men(john wesley and his brother) as a movement within the church of england found in 18th century. The church began with the wesley brothers founding the "holy club". this group of men would meet weekly and would speak about their holy life. they were called methodist's by their students due to the way they used to specific 'rule' and 'methods' to go about their religious affairs. john wesley has credit for the foundation of the evangelical movement known as Methodism. the people who follow this religion have 3 major beliefs: 1. people are all, by nature, 'dead in sin' and consequently, 'children of wrath'. 2. that they are justified by faith. 3. that faith produces inward and outward holiness. On the left is a picture of a Methodist church . on the right side there is the symbol that represents "the united methodist church" in methodism, they do have a authority and it is to teach and to preach about what they believe in. methodists have ministers rather than priests because they believe that by definition, priests are intermediary between people and the devine. Once methodists were seperated from the "anglican church" they have followed the same pattern and continue to do so. Origionally methodists were located in Great Britain. now they are located all over the world, including europe( Ireland, france, hungary, italy and Russia), latin america( mexico, caribbean, ant igua, st.bart's, jamacia and barbados), afirca( nigerea, ghana and south africa), Asia( china, india, malaysia and singapore, philippenes and south korea), north america( canada and united states) and oceania( australia, fiji, newzealand, samoan islans and tonga). mthodism is decreasing in great britain and north america, it coninues to grow in other places and it grows at a rapid pace the untited methodist church is the largest denomination within the methodist movement, which has about 80 million believers across the world. as of 2014, the worldwide membership of methodists was about 20 million. about 7.2 million of that population was in the united states and about 4.4 million of that population was in africa, asia and europe. Methodists, just like catholics, celebrate christmas and eater as well as the other holidays that go along with them, such as shrove tuesday, ash wednesday, maundy thursday, good friday, advent, lent, pentecost, asscenionsunday and also saint's day. resources include: by: lisette botelho brown: west Africa dark yellow: Africa central navy blue: Congo central blue: germany central red: southern europe dark green: northern europe light green: northeastern jurisdiction Introduction to Methodist Methodist light yellow: philippines light blue: western jurisdiction dark yellow: southerneatern jurisdiction grey: south central jurisdiction orange: north central jurisdiction religion textbook: exploring world religion; page, 302 & 303


Transcript: Worship Type Methodism is known for its rich musical tradition. Singing is a big part of the Methodist Church service. Charles Wesley, brother of the church founder, was instrumental in writing some 6,000 hymns, and many other eminent hymn writers come from the Methodist tradition. Worship Format Date And Location Organization Basic Beliefs Sin: While human beings were intended to bear the image of God, all humans are sinners for whom that image is distorted. Sin estranges people from God and corrupts human nature such that we cannot heal or save ourselves Evangelism and mission Structure Council of Bishops The Council of Bishops gives general oversight of the ministry and mission of the church and spiritual leadership to the entire church connection. Composed of all active and retired bishops, the council meets as a group at least once a year. Bible Judical Council Music John Wesley and his brother Charles Wesley Basic Beliefs Methodists are convinced that building loving relationships with others through social service is a means of working towards the inclusiveness of God's love. Logic and Reason It is common for each congregation to hold an annual Covenant Service on the first Sunday of the year. The original covenant prayer given by John Wesley is still widely used, with minor modifications. The Church as Connection United Methodist Chruch Logo Grace: God gives unmerited favor freely to all people, though it may be resisted. Methodist Low Church:in an Anglican context, denotes the church's simplicity or Protestant emphasis. High church: denotes an emphasis on ritual or, later, Anglo-Catholicism. the Judicial Council interprets church law and determines constitutionality of proceedings at all levels of church life. Source of Doctrine As the primary legislative body, General Conference is the only entity with the authority to speak on behalf of the entire United Methodist Church. A unique feature of American Methodism is the observance of the season of Kingdomtide, which encompasses the last 13 weeks before Advent. 2008 Book of Discipline, paragraph 101, page 43. The Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church: Article I—Of Faith in the Holy Trinity". The United Methodist Church. Retrieved August 31, 2007. people must use logic and reason in all matters of faith. Found in England In 18th Century Basic Beliefs Worldwide Membership: 12 million 7.2 million in the United States 4.4 million in Africa Conferences provide the primary groupings of people and churches for discernment and decision-making. Constitutional Structure Duties are divided among bodies that include the General Conference, the Council of Bishops and the Judicial Council. Each of these entities is required by our Constitution, a foundational document, to be part of our structure, and plays a significant role in the life of the church. Work Cited The Founder Covenant Services Inclusiveness Methodist General Conference Triune God: God is one God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Unique Aspects Scripture: The writings in the Old Testament and New Testament are the inspired word of God. Ranging from high church to low church in liturgical usage. Population Basic Beliefs Thank you! Decision making

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