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April Showers Powerpoint Template

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April Showers

Transcript: Junior Julia Adams described her week as tired. She said, "Monday, I spent six hours writing a research paper and I volunteered and then I went to class and then I went home and did the paper again." And when she finished? "Like a weight had been lifted off of me. I just felt relieved that it was over and I was done with it." Long distance relationships are generally stereotyped as a negative experience. But Sara Mcate, a junior at IU, has a different view. "It gives you your freedom and independence and we both have really full lives outside of each other, it's kind of a healthy thing when you're young and in a relationship." Mcate said they are able to see each other about once a month and on breaks, and she plans to spend the summer with him in California. "It's totally fun when we finally are together. We blow off school and have a great time." Mollie Levin Freshman Telecommuications major Julia Adams Recreational Therapy Junior He's "The Man" Nakia Muhammad Senior Fitness Major Zoom Zoom Music is an important part of most people's lives. For Nakia Muhammad, a senior in the fitness program, music helps to build his confidence. "I listen to this song before I work out," he said. "It's one of those songs that gives you confidence." Allie Hetrick Freshman Pre- Nursing Major Freshman Allie Hetrick pushes herself to the limit by running 40 to 50 miles a week. "I do a lot of running and I like to listen to a lot of songs that get me psyched up," said Hetrick. She is training for the Carmel Marathon on April 12th." Her workouts can get strenuous, so to stay pumped up she listens to "Let It Go" from Disney movie Frozen. Alex Larson Apparel Merchandising Sophomore Celebrating an Accomplishment Sarah Mcate "So this is kinda like a friend issue... this one girl was inviting me to go to her house this weekend but then she didn't want to invite this other girl because they're not really friends but now I can't really go because I would feel really bad if I go because the other girl would get really jealous, so I was just like I can't go, so I feel like, I don't know... I feel bad." April Showers Alex Larson may have been listening to "Since U Been Gone," but it definitely wasnt because she lost something. "I got a scholarship this week. It's through my major. I was really surprise and excited because it's over he whole department, like 500 people," Lason said. Lason has loved apparel merchandising ever since she took her first fashion class at IU, and has a clear goal in mind for the future. "I want to be a buyer for a corporate company," she said. A Day in the Life of Julia Adams Oops... Major Life Issues

April Showers

Transcript: No matter what the obstacle, keep chasing after your dream. The theme is saying that even after the discouraging news of her work not actually being published she was encouraged by her father to pursue her dreams of writing. Symbols Her book- it symbolizes her sentimental feelings and the past year she spent writing it. The bow she tied her novel in- symbolizes "Sunday's best" Edith Wharton was born on January 24, 1862 in New York City, New York. She wrote "The Age of Innocence" & "Summer". Wharton was also nominated 3 times for a noble piece prize in 1927, 1928, & 1930. She was well acquainted with many of her era's other literary and public figures, including Theodore Roosevelt. Setting "I don't believe in feeding youngsters on sentimental trash; it's like sewer gas" (Wharton 2) - Simile "Miss Sophie Brill is a bitter pill" (Wharton 3) - Metaphor "Its muffled thump sounded like a admonitory knock against her bedroom floor" (Wharton 1) Simile Her hot, constricted breast! She looked up through interlacing boughs at a tender, opaque blue sky full of the coming of a milky moon. The tree-tops trembled with it, and a sudden star broke through the branches like an audible "I know!" April Showers is a story about a young girl named Theodora who enjoyed writing. She started writing stories in her free time but her parents restrained her from living the life she wanted to live. One day she gets the courage to try to get one of her works published but later in the story, she finds out that her novel was rejected. This story show the struggle Theodora went through to try to get her writing published. Theodora is a 17 year old girl interested in coming a famous writer, she is confident and hopeful. Uncle James is a business man who has an influence over Theodora, he is better off than her family. Theodora's father seems to be a scary and intimidating character at first, but transforms into a caring and consoling father in the end. Theodora's mother is sickly and bedridden The story travels from Boston, Massachusetts to New York City. (The exact location is a small town called Norton.) Plot summary Literary Element Characters Theme About the Author April Showers Imagery

April Showers

Transcript: Welcome to Grace Theme Setting Theodora: Young woman Educated Stubborn Motivated Emotional Summary The ribbon represented perfection. The ribbon was perfect, but then she got the ink stain on it and she did not see it as a big deal. She still viewed it as perfectly fine. The ribbon is like her story and the ink is the Home Circle. She thinks that her story is perfect and great, but the Home Circle ruins it. They tell her that it is not what she thinks it is. Kathleen Kyd: The writer that Theodora looks up to Talented Admirable Young woman Died: Aug. 11, 1937 April Showers is about a young girl, Theodora, who wants to get her story published. Theodora spends all her free time writing so she can submit her story to the Home Circle. She bases her writing style off of Kathleen Kyd, her favorite writer. When she finally finishes her story, she submits it. She waits and one day receives a letter saying that her story will be in the Sunday Works Cited Kyd. Theodora rushes to the Home Circle office and asks them why her story was not published. They tell her that they meant to send her story back. Theodora is very upset about this and begins going home when she sees that her father is waiting for her at the train station. He then tells her about how the same thing happened to him as a child. paper. Theodora is beyond excited and begins telling everyone in town. Everyone begins to get extremely excited for her and are anxiously waiting for the paper to be published. When Sunday rolls around Theodora quickly looks for the title "April Showers" and begins reading. She soon sees that it is not her story that was published and the name as the bottom reads, Kathleen Main Characters: Theodora Dace and Dr. Dace Characters She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize Siblings: Johnny, Kate, and Bertha She was in love with reading and often would read her father's books Her original last name was Jones Edith Wharton Taylor Dockins . Lauren Brown The story took place in a small town called Grace. It was the type of town where everyone knew one another and if there were news to be told, it spread quickly The story's time span was only a few days, maybe a week or two. A major theme for this story could be the struggle that young writers face when entering this profession. They must face the fact that they will not have much traction with their stories and they will be let down on multiple occasions. The story defines this being and not just a coincidence by having Dr. Dace relating and having this in common with her. Awards: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction (1921) American Academy of Arts & Letters Gold Medal (1929) Born: Jan. 24, 1862 Dr. Dace: Secretive Protective Older man Educated Stern Education: She never attended school, she was taught at home by her governess and tutors The ribbon also represents delicacy. It represents the delicate life she is throwing away to become a writer. She sends off the ribbon and tied with it is all the delicacy her life once held. Other works: Verses, Fast and Loose, The Age of Innocence, Explanation, Fighting France “Who is Edith Wharton? Everything You Need to Know.” Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline, Accessed 27 Mar. 2017. 75 years old April Showers by Edith Wharton Symbolism and Imagery The Ribbon add logo here

April Showers

Transcript: Elizabeth, Vishnu, Ribal, Harschal, Anu Theodora is a new author trying to become well known. Hoping to one day become well-known, she is in the process of writing her first novel. As soon as she finishes writing her book, she submits it to a publisher and excitedly awaits a reply. The publisher tells her that her book, April Showers, has been accepted and will be in the next edition of their magazine. When the magazine is released, she rushes to buy one and quickly finds April Showers, only to see that it was not her own story, but someone else’s! There had been a mix-up, according to the publisher, and her novel has actually been rejected. She immediately loses hope and becomes extremely depressed. Her father then comes home and tries to comfort her and tells her to persevere and to never stop trying. Level 2: Understanding The theme of April Showers by Edith Wharton is to never stop trying. Pursue your dreams, no matter what obstacle there is in your way trying to block you. Level 3: Application Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. -Henry David Thoreau Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. -Harriet Tubman 4 Qualities of realism: - Based on the lives of real people - Renders closely to reality Qualities of naturalism: - Her life was based on the societies opinion based on her book, her book was rejected, which basically determined her life in this time period. Qualities of local color: - Slang - The dialogue is uptaight, formal etc. - lots of focos on the setting - the setting is the authors home and downtown The road to life is not a smooth highway. Insted it is a bumpy, slow road that will bring misery and sadness. However, you must not stop or take a detour. In other words: don't give up even if your hard work is trown into the trash. April Showers by: Edith Wharton Of Mice and Men has more imagery than April Showers Level 4: Analyzing Similarities Descriptive texts Of Mice and Men has more local coloring in the dialect that is seen through the slang terms used. Level 1: Knowledge (cc) image by anemoneprojectors on Flickr Level 5: Evaluation Both are realistic texts Level 6: Creation Differences Of Mice and Men and April Showers More emphasis on characters rather than complete plot of story

April Showers

Transcript: Carissa Cedillo& Arely Venturas First Period Edith Wharton grew up in a wealthy well perceived family. She had love for literature at a very young age, which sparked her interest in wanting to become a writer. Wharton spent most of her time in her fathers vast library, reading and writing stories. Edith's family did not approve of or support her desire to write stories. Women authors were frowned upon in this time period. When Edith was only 15 she wrote a novella titled Fast and Loose but had to secretly admit it to a publishing company, under a false male name. Since then she has taken the writing world by storm Theme Summary Irony: Situational irony is used when Theodora's book wasn't actually the book the company had intended to print. This specific situation helped to magnify the protagonist going from a flat character to a round character. This made the story a lot more relatable to the reader. And eventually sets up a future situation for her father to also transition from a flat character to a round character Conflict: Wharton used the internal and external conflicts in the story to help add emphasis to the theme. This gave the short story a more powerful underlying meaning Don't give up after failure, learn from your mistakes and move forward - Don't stop trying to achieve your dreams Characters Dr. Dace: He is Theodora's father. At first he does not approve of her decision to love literature. He then gives her his support and tells Theodora that he too loved literature - Even though the journey might be rough and obstacles might get in your way, keep pushing through. You won't regret it No matter the obstacle, never stop chasing your dream Edith Wharton was born in New York in January1862 She died on August 11, 1937 in Hyeres, France. She was buried in Versailles, France. April Showers is about a young aspiring female author named Theodora. She has long desired to have her book published but never found the courage to submit her writing. She finally works up the courage and sends her book off to a publishing company. After two weeks she receives a congratulatory letter from the company, stating they would love to publish her book. Theodora is filled with joy, she could not wait to hold a copy of her published book. Finally, Theodora buys her novel and begins to read it, only to read that it was not her writing that was published. There had been a mix up at the company and Theodora's book was not the book they had intended on publishing. When in fact she was supposed to receive a letter of rejection. This breaks her spirit, she is distraught. When her father who at first did not support her, confides in her and tells her, that he too had a story rejected and to learn from his mistakes. By not giving up after failure. April Showers Kathleen Kyd: She is Theodora's role model. The publishing company had intended to print Kathleen's story, not Theodora's "Theodora recalled the early struggles of famous authors, the notorious antagonism of publishers and editors to any new writer of exceptional promise" Setting: The time period the story take place in plays a huge role in this short story. This story was based out of a time period where women were not seen as equals to men. Aspiring female authors were often ridiculed and frowned upon Literary Elements Theodora: Is the main character and she is an aspiring author. She has many obstacles in her way and takes a risk for her dream. She is very educated, respectful of her family and ambitious. - All the literary elements this story contains are "ingredients" for strong and solid story - Each character in the story helped play a role in the transitioning of Theodora from a flat character to a round character Uncle James: This is Theodora's uncle, who looks down on authors. He ridicules writing right in front of Theodora Edith Wharton Johnny and Kate: These are Theodora's younger siblings whom she takes care of Tone: Wharton uses subtle but important events in the story to help the mood flow smoothly from different thoughts and different emotions the protagonist is feeling. It makes the reader feel like they can relate to Theodora, inspired and left with feeling of perseverance

April Showers

Transcript: April Showers What is a short story -short time period -has an opne end -has no details -one layer Summary - Old bride and groom Helen & Tony - Living in Britain - Daughter called Jane - Living in Australia - Terrible rain disturbs Tony in gardening - The rain lasts 1 week - Newspaper message, that 500 people got killed a landslide in Germany because of the terrible rain - The food supply gets worse every day because of the rain - The water in the streets is about 5 inches high - 4 Weeks later - Many roads & motorways completely under water and impassable - Later the loud speaker of a police car announces, that chemical tanks are destroyed by another landslide and water from the tap is no longer drinkable - Tony & Helen decide to leave Britain and visit their daughter in Australia - They need longer than a week to arrive at the airport and they lost all their baggage - The live in Australia was nice, but later they notice that the water in Australia are rationed because there are not enough water there Message of the text The people try to do the right thing and still not get what they want. The author describes the irony from the first situation to the second What the author describes could be describe as irony of fate They are in danger, try to move away from the danger and get into trouble once again. What can be the downfall Evaluation - We like science fiction stories - It is interesting - If such things happen in the really tiny, we had a big problem - The story can be transmitted live on the real life Message of the text What is a short story Summary Evaluation

April Showers

Transcript: April Showers April Showers is a story about a young writer, written by Edith Wharton. the story is about a young girl named Theodora who enjoyed writing. She started writing stories in her free time but her parents restrained her from living the life she wanted to live. One day she gets the courage to try to get one of her books published but later she finds out that her story was rejected. This story shows the struggle Theodora went through to try to get her writings published. "It hurts a bit just at first, doesn't it?" "O father!" He stood still, and the gleam of his cigar showed a face of unexpected participation. "You see I've been through it myself." "You, father? You?" "Why, yes. Didn't I ever tell you? I wrote a novel once. I was just out of college, and I didn't want to be a doctor. No; I wanted to be a genius. So I wrote a novel." The doctor paused, and Theodora clung to him in a mute passion of commiseration. It was as if a drowning creature caught a live hand through the murderous fury of the waves. "Father -- O father!" "It took me a year -- a whole year's hard work; and when I'd finished it the publishers wouldn't have it, either; not at any price. And that's why I came down to meet you, because I remembered my walk home." Theodora has sent her novel (500 pages) to the Home Circle( which is how Kathleen Kid got her start as a Novelist). As she awaits her reply of acceptance or denial. She helps her mother out with the chorus. Theodora tells everyone what she has accomplished. The day the Home Circle publishes their magazine Theodora goes and buys it and looks for her story but its not hers. The authors name say Kathleen Kyd Characters Setting By Edith Wharton "BUT Guy's heart slept under the violets on Muriel's grave." The Home Circle Plot "The bath-rooms alone are worth the money," he was saying, cheerfully, "although it is a big rent. But then, when a man's got no children to save up for -- " he glanced compassionately round Doctor Dace's crowded table -- "and it is something to be in a neighborhood where the drainage is A 1. That's what I was telling our neighbor. Who do you suppose she is, by the way?" He smiled at Theodora. "I rather think that young lady knows all about her. Ever hear of Kathleen Kyd?" Kathleen Kyd! The famous "society novelist," the creator of more "favorite heroines" than all her predecessors put together had ever turned out; the author of "Fashion and Passion," "An American Duchess," "Rhona's Revolt." Was there any intelligent girl from Maine to California whose heart would not have beat faster at the mention of that name? Theodora ~ Gladys Glyn Johnny Kathleen Kyd Uncle James Doctor Dace Her mother (chronic rheumastic) Kate (cod liver oil) Miss Sophy Brill (Is a bitter pill ) The story travels from Boston, Massachusetts to the state of New York, to the Home Circle. Summary Her Father meets her at the Train station Her Uncle James is talking She gets a letter from the Home Circle saying that her story April showers has been accepted.

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