Transcript: Color of the future Represents dreams and hopes. Color of fantasy and the need to escape from reality (daydreamer). VS Not a Good Idea! Violet Royalty A few things to know: Pairs well with gold, cream, and white. Blends well with brown, blue or gray pieces. Gives feeling of warmth in cold climates. Gives feeling of coolness in hot climates. Sparks a spirit of fun. Deeper tones can have a masculine feel. Adds both a luxurious and rich feeling while also being relaxing. Cons Purple is the mix of the primary colors red and bule Violet in the Design World The Good and Bad of Using Violet Can sometime represent grape candy or flavoring. Can easily overwhelm a color scheme and unbalance it. Too much design can take a space from grand to gaudy. Can seem like following trends rather then making them. May make a room too dark and undesirable. Violet is a color that can add a lot to your designs. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF IT! Glamorous Violet is the color seen in the visible light spectrum (rainbow). Harmony Promotes harmony of mind and emotions. Links thoughts and activity Very balanced color. Contributes to mental balance and peace of mind. An introspective color which allows us to get in touch with our deeper thoughts. It is an inspirtaion for high ideals. What Violet Is: Great Use of Violet Pros When it comes to psychology, the names and meanings are interchangable. Inspires and encourages creative pursuits. Has a sense of indiviuality and uniqueness that can inspire artists. Inspires unconditional selfless love, encouragement, and compassion. Something Different Both contain high energy and strength of red, as well as calmness and integrity of blue As an Accent Color Works great in a room dominated by olive green or khaki. When the whole room is done in pastel colors, bright purples and blues can be used to accent or accessorise. Great way to unite blues and pinks Use dark shades to add harmony with bright, vibrant violet shades. Violet is not a color associated with nauture, so it is said to be exotic and/or artificial. Violet Imagination Inspiration Words to Describe: Predominately used in bedrooms and bathrooms Used mainly to give the illusion of a relaxing, peaceful space Can use a bright vibrant shade of the color to add energy What Were They Thinking?!?! Spirituality Children's Room Assists those seeking spiritual fulfillment. Connects physical and spiritual worlds. Supports meditation. What it Isn't: Gives impression of luxury , wealth, extravagance, and POWER. Adds richness and quality, which demands respect. A leader...ambitious and self-assured. Purple