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Traffic Light Template Powerpoint

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traffic light

Transcript: The pedestrian cross-light were also invented. These were located on busy streets & intersections.Designed to keep pedestrians in one spot when they needed to cross the road that way all drivers knew where to watch. Traffic Lights began to be used more consistently. Hanging from wires,put on poles street corners On December 10, 1868 The first traffic light were installed outside the british parliament building by railroad engineer by J.P Knight November 23 .... Used to tell oncoming traffic which direction is allowed.Also used for lane openings. Early Trials Who invented the 1st traffic lights List of precautions to follow in the event of a traffic light being out. Garrett Morgan patented the new version of the traffic light. It consisted of a T-shaped pole & could be operated from a distance. It was designed to be mounted on a street corner and notify drivers weather they should stop or go.In 1923 the patented was purchased by General Electric. March 20 1920 MiKaela Johnson Direction Lights William Potts decide to use colors like red, yellow and green. This helped with controlling traffic lights from four directions. Within a year Potts had installed twelve lights around the city. Traffic Lights Pictures Bibliography Traffic Light 1868 Precaution List Pedestrian Crossing After a month the lamp exploded and an officer was injured. Inventors began trying to make improvements on the traffic light but most failed. A police man from Detroit , Michigan William L Potts decide to create a new traffic light based on railroad signals.


Transcript: Ergonomics is about designing for people wherever they interact with producets, systems or processes. It becomes necessary to understand and design for the variability represented in the population. cultural difference THANKS YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !! second , the design of traffic light in ShangHai does not take enough consideration for the visually disabled and the hearing impaired. AND FINALLY SHANGHAI  Color wavelength For driver High light: LED Light Color: Red & Green Light Control: Auto According to Environment History of Traffic Lights 2. Automated Enforcement of traffic lights -13 August 2001 Robert P. Maccubbin. Chiou Yu Chung d0251392 comparatiopn Reference Because the red wavelength is the longest. So, we can see it in a long distance that you will have enough time to stop your car on the other to stop your car. On the other hand, the yellow is the second longest. Last, the maximum contrast with red is green color. So, people will use green orange as a go signal, you will be difficult to resolve. HONGKONG TAIWAN 1.ㄍㄍeducation 2 bicycle 3 more consideratione for blind people 1.台湾交通灯三年内全部改用LED、2007-07-05、 Tsoi Yuk Sing 13063524d Tes Ching Ying 13058116 New Design !!!! Traffic lights in every different places will always be different for their people by defferent culture and human habits and the transportations they ues in life , so maybe we can not be accustomed to shanghai 's traffic lights and always have a lot of complain for it but actually it is shanghai people 's life , shanghai people's memory . In the wake of car appearing, people and car need to walk in same road, the result of this may make people and car walking together, that will cause accident. So, we need to invent a signal to decide what time people walk and stop. In 1868, UK mechanical engineer Hartford design a cylinder that will display red and green color in order to separate people and car walk in same road. However red and green are not enough because the driver have no time to reduce the velocity that will cause accident easily if it from red changes to green. , the result of this may make people and car walking together,that will cause accident .So, we need to invent a signal to decide what time people walk and stop. Automated Enforcement of Traffic Signals: A Literature Review ---13 August 2001 Robert P. Maccubbin In 1868, UK mechanical engineer Hartford design a cylinder that will display red and green color in order to separate people and car walk in same road. However red and green are not enough because the driver have no time to reduce the velocity that will cause accident easily if it from red changes to green. In 1918, Chinese scientist 胡汝鼎 design another color light as a buffer time. The color is yellow, which is 3 second. Now, it is not just for driver and people still have bicyclers. For people, the high of traffic lights is 2.5 meter and it has different voice to decide people go or stop. For driver the high is 5 meter. Traffic Lights in Shanghai For pedestrian What is Ergonomics Who are we ?? liudi 1350062 Summary The first issue is there are many types of traffic light no matter for people of pedestrian, biker and driver. In the wake of car appearing, people and car need to walk in same road Comparison in Different Cultures TRAFFIC LIGHT -Hongkong , Taiwan, Shanghai The currently existing problems of traffic light SAME POINTS

Traffic Light

Transcript: School of Engineering 3 13 AND Gate (74LS08, 74LS11, 74LS21) OR Gate (74LS32, 4075BD) XOR Gate (74LS86) NOT Gate (74LS04) D-Flip flop (74LS175) Push button Voltage Source Counter BCD(74LS190, 74LS191, 74LS192) Traffic light Ground 6 16 Prof. Idalides Vergara Laurens, Ph.D. 12 State Diagram Flip-flop Selection Excitation Table Questions Transition Table 2 Counter: Synchronous PB/DOWN BCD (Binary to Decimal Counter). Counts pulses and displays them in decimal form. Selected Counter The yellow light must last 10 seconds. The green light of each solo must last 30 seconds. The green light on the second avenue must last 45 seconds. The green light on the primary avenue must last 60 seconds. When the yellow light finish his period, all the traffic lights must be red for 2 seconds. You must include a counter cars. When the traffic light is green, the counter it has to activate. If reach his minimum count for each case, the time has to be reset. State/Output Table for Counters Principal avenue 20 cars. Secondary avenue 20 cars Solos 10 cars Counters Equations 1 10 Number of states minimize: States Variables Julio David Cruz - S00836086 Luis A. Jimenez Gonzales - S00489630 8 11 AR = All light red APV = Principal avenue light green APA = Principal avenue light yellow SAPV = Solo principal avenue SAPA = Solo principal avenue yellow ASV = Secondary avenue green ASA = Secondary avenue yellow ASSV = Secondary avenue solo green ASSA = Secondary avenue yellow 4 Problem Statement ELEN 312 – Digital Logic Design Flip-flop: D-Flip flop (74LS175N) Traffic Light 14 R = Red / A = Yellow / V = Green Materials 7 Conclusions 9 State/Output Table Excitation Equations 5 Every day we have to handle simple things, and we are not always aware that there are behind them, how they work. Things that have simple sight seem simple, may have more complicity inside. This project opens the door in detail to the world of computerized systems. The projects are big or small, always the research of the same provides better resources Constraints Output Equations 15 Design a traffic light to control an intersection of two avenues and the solos of each one. Output Function Table

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