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Revolutionary War Powerpoint Templates

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Revolutionary war prexi powerpoint

Transcript: Battle of Bunker hill... (Breed's hill) By, Andrew, Bailey, Joel, and Cayden pictures: Revolutionary War prezi powerpoint fuck you bro :P This is George Washington sailing his troops to victory. HI!!! George Washington -> The battle of Bunker Hill took place in the year 1775. It was the General William Howe, leader of the British army, against General George Washington, leader of the Patriots. Led the Patriots in the Civil War against te British (red coats). Battle of Lexington and Concord Facts: Took place on April 19th 1775. Patriots lost 8 men but wounded 200 british soldiers. Patriots won the war. Paul Revere was captured by british and William Dawes turned back. The Intolerable acts were passed. Minutemen were soldiers that would be ready to fight on a minutes notice. and there were 70 minutemen. People involved: Paul Revere William Dawes Samuel Adams John Hancock Sir Thomas Gage How this event is connected to the revolutionary war: The colonists suprised the british and took out a huge portion of their army. This was the first battle. the "shot heard round' the world" Benjamin Franklin helped during the Revolutionary War, by helping invent the first mail system so the army could send each other information faster and more securely. This is the modern day American flag. This is what it was like on the battle field. 50 STARS FOR THE 50 STATES This is an example of what a British soldier would look like. hi. from cayden THE END With 13 stars for the 13 colonies. Chat Room This is how the American flag looked during the Civil War. (breed's) 0 :O Applause Benjamin Franklin what is this thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Battle of Bunker Hill.... Facts: Took place on June 16th 1775. 1,200 miltiamen were under the command of Colonel William Prescott. The americans opened fire, forcing the british to retreat. In the end the americans ran out of gun powder and had to withdraw. The british won the battle of bunker hill but suffered heavy losses. 1,000 soldiers were either dead or wounded. People involved: Colonel William Prescott How this event is connected to the revolutionary war: The british had learned that defeating the americans on the battlefield would not be quick or easy.


Transcript: REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1492 Voyage of Columbus. 1501 Voyage of Vespucci. Amerigo Vespucci and Christopher Columbus were some of the early explorers of the New world 1607 Founding of Jamestown. Named for King James, Jamestown was founded by 120 colonists.The colonists sufferd until the crop tobacco became popular. 1620 Pilgrims arrive in Massachusetts Massachusetts was settled by the Pilgrims who were seeking religious freedom.They celebrated the first Thanksgiving in 1621 with the Wamponag Tribe. 1628 Puritans settle in Boston. The Puritans too were seeking religious freedom.Led by John Winthrop 1000 colonists chose a peninsula to settle and named it Boston. French and Indian war. The French and Indian war took place in Europe and North America.The Native Americans. British and the French were the ones who fought in the 1760's. The war was for the land in Ohio River Valley the British WON!! Stamp act Passed by King George. The Stamp Act was a law passed by the king and Parliament that taxed printed materials in the 13 colonies. 1766 Stamp Act repealed Townshend act passed by Parliament. The Townshend Acts were laws pass by parliament! These tariffs taxed paper, wool, tea, and other important British goods. 1770 Boston Massacre. On the night of March 5,1770 five colonists lost their lives in the Boston Massacre.Firing without intructions the red coats brutally attacked the colonists.The red coats were later charged with murder. 1773 Boston Tea Party. On a cold night December night members of the Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians. They boarded a British ship holding tea and dumped the tea in to Boston Harbor. This became known as the Boston Tea Party. 1774 Intolerable Acts pass Intolerable Acts laws passed by Parliament and the king to punish the Colonists for the Boston Tea Party. 1774 Continental Congress 1st Continental Congress agreed to form mlitias, to stop trading with Britain and to meet again the next year. 1754 by Jairo 1765 1767

Revolutionary War

Transcript: This ended the French and Indian war. Known as the 7 years war, a fight for the Trans-Appalachian region. Involved England and Prussia against France, Austria, Russia and Spain. France lost Canada to Great Britain. It required colonist to provide housing, food and drink to British troops stationed in their towns The purpose was to improve living conditions and decrease the cost of the war New York assembly refused, they were the main port at the time, so parliament passed the New York Suspending Act, suspending their assembly until they complied. Repealed the Stamp Act It stated that the British Parliament’s taxing authority was the same in America as in Great Britain They had directly taxed the colonies for revenue in the Sugar Act Passed by parliament They were named after Charles Townshend The most important laws it made up were, the Revenue Act of 1767, the Indemnity Act, the Commissioners of Customs Act, the Vice Admiralty Court Act, and the New York Restraining Act. It was made for many reasons, like making the colonist pay more taxes to England Were provisional Patriot emergency governments established in response to British policy Served as a vast network of communication throughout the Thirteen Colonies between Patriot leaders Formed in cities and regions The Sons of Liberty 2nd Continental Congress May 10, 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill June 17, 1775 It was meant to be a bailout policy to get the British East India Company out of debt. The company was suffering from massive amounts of debts the company was required to exclusively sell its tea at auction in London. This required the British East India Company to pay a tax per pound of tea sold which added to the company’s financial burdens This granted the British East India Company license to export their tea to the American colonies Battle of Yorktown September 28- October 19, 1781 Committees of Correspondence 1772 Stamp Act 1765 Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 Adopted by the Continental Congress Stated that the 13 colonies were independent states now They were no longer under the rule of the king Thomas Jefferson wrote this document He was influenced by Locke and Paine The British Redcoats were camped out in Yorktown where the battle was and they were fighting the American and French. The French and American were led by George Washington, the Redcoats were led by Cornwallis. The British surrendered on October 17, 1781 at Yorktown and the Revolutionary war was officially ended in 1783, when the Treaty of Paris was signed. Prohibited the American colonists from establishing settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains Acknowledged that Indians owned the lands on which they were on and white settlers in the area were to be removed. Provision was made to allow specially licensed individuals to operate in fur trading. Published at the beginning of the Revolution Wrote and reasoned in a style that common people understood He simply stated what the king has ever done wrong It was the second most popular book at the time The British placed a tax on sugar, wine, and other important things because they wanted more money. The British wanted money to help provide more security for the colonies. This upset the colonists very much. They began to boycott because if they only traded with Britain, they wouldn't be able to sell their goods for as much. Battle of Saratoga September 19, 1777 Met in Philadelphia from September 5, 1774 to October 26, 1774 in Carpenter's Hall. Virginia's delegation was the most professional, and some members included was George Washington, Patrick Henry, Richard Bland and Peyton Randolph, who was the head of all of these men and more who were not named. The congress had three main things they wanted to do, and that was to make a statement of colonial rights, to come up with a plan that would convince the British to restore those rights and to see what British parliament's violation of those rights were. Coercive/ Intolerable Acts 1774 The killing of five colonists by British regulars The tension in the colonies had been growing since Royal troops first appeared in Massachusetts to enforce the heavy tax burden imposed by the Townshend Acts. Treaty of Paris (American Revolution) last major battle during the American Revolutionary War led by George Washington and Comte De Rochambeau, they were able to surround Cornwallis and his troops and after six weeks a fighting he finally surrendered The delegates of the 13 colonies needed to talk about their next move so they met at the State House in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775. In the second continental congress they made decisions like how to protect themselves and how to attack the British, and when and where they could do that. New delegates were also brought in: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Hancock. During this, George Washington was elected as Commander In Chief of the militia they had put together, which was also known as the Continental Army. Revolutionary War Timeline Thomas

Revolutionary War

Transcript: The Americans won the war for 4 reasons. They had skilled leadership, know the geography, help from abroad, and patriotic spirit. On July 4, 1776 the Colonists aproved that they write the Decolation of Independance. After fighting they decided each slave would be counted as 3/5 of a person. The congress got together to edit the Articles of Confederation. They started fighting about if slaves were apart of the population. The Americans had good leadership from many leaders, the commander of the continental army was George Washington. After they added the bill of rights every thing was peaceful again the the United States, became its own country. Then there was a big rebellion. This showed that they needed to change the government. The states were mad that they was no bill of rights, so they added a bill of rights. In the war there was an American that traded for the British, his name was Benidect Arnold. Not all colonists were in wanted freedom. Colonists who wanted to stay loyal to the British king were called loyalists and colonists that wanted freedom were called patriots. The Revolutionary war was between the English and the Colonies. photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli The Americans created there government by creating the Articles of Conferation. The Revolutionary War Any Patriot could be put in prison or killed by the British. The first battle of the war was at Lexington and Concord. This war was during the 1770s and 1780s. The first country to make and alliance with the United States was France. At first Brttian was winning the war, until the battle of Saragota. The battle of Saragota was a huge turning point in the war. By Jack O'Brien The Colonists used gurilla attacks to attack the British. Gurillas were small bands of American troops who made hit and run attacks.

Revolutionary War

Transcript: Revolutionary War Battles of Lexington and Concord April 1775: T. Gage sent the British troops to Lexington to capture S. Adams and J. Hancook, he sent them to Concord because that is where the Americans stored ammunition and arms. Revere and Dawes were aware of this and let the minutemen know that the British were coming. This allowed Hancook and Adams to escape from Lexington What happened at Concord? The British destroyed military stores, and left Lexington and Concord with many casualties. American Victory The British returned to Boston, and more than 10,000 colonial militiamen surrounded the city. The redcoats made attempts to drive the Americans off of Breed's Hill, but were not successful. June 1775: the 3rd attempt on Bunker Hill was a success because the Americans ran out of ammunition. British Victory! but showed the courage and skill of the patriots, and that they were not going down easily Fort Ticonderoga May 1775: Ethan Allen, Green Mountain Boys, and B. Arnold capture British fort American Victory! Crown Point May 1775: Allen, the Green Mountain Boys, and Arnold also captured the British fort at Crown Point. American Victory! These captures were to open the doors to Canada, where the Americans look forword to having the alliance of the French-Canadians. Montreal November 1775: R. Montgomery went North to Montreal and captured it. American Victory Quebec December 31, 1775: the Americans attack Quebec during a snowstorm, but were forced to retreat back to Fort Ticonderoga. *Montgomery was killed and Arnold was badly injured. British Victory! New York October 1776: over the next 4 months Howe's army plagued the American army forcing them to retreat. Washington went to Jersey. British Victory! N. Hale was hung on the account of being a spy, the orders were given by Howe. Battle of Trenton Winter of 1776 Washington and the Continental Army were close to defeat. Then Washington fought back with two quick wins. Christmas 1776: Washington crosses the Delaware River into Trenton surprising a large number of Hessian forces. American Victory Battle of Princeton January 1777: a week after the surprise attack on Trenton, Washington drove the British out of Princeton. American Victory The victories at Trenton and Princeton are just what the army needed to continue. It boosted the spirits and more men wanted to join the Continental Army. Battle of Oriskany The Britsh had a plan to divide New England by capturing NY state. This plan failed. *August 1777: St. Leger was defeated at Oriskany. American Victory Battle of Brandywine Instead of following the plan to Albany, Howe went to Philadelphia and won the Battle of Brandywine and.... Battle of Germantown October 1777: Howe wins battle of Germantown. British Victories at Brandywine and Germantown Battle of Saratoga October 1777: Burgoyne found himself at Saratoga with little men and little ammunition. He surrender to Gates. American Victory This is considered the turning point in the Revolution. *Encouraged the colonists and surprised the British. *Convinced France to sign the Treaty of Alliance with the United Stated. The British were encouraging the Natives to attack the Americans on the western frontier. *Clark and his men ended these raides by capturing Forts Kaskaskai (July 1778) and Vincennes (February 1779) Battle of Savannah In the last years of the war, battles were mainly fought in the South. British captured the coastal cities of Savannah... Battle of Charleston May 1780: British captured Charleston Battle of Camden August 1780: Cornwallis went inland and won the battle at Camden. British Victory! Battle at King's Mountain October 1780: Washington sent Greene to King's Mountain where he won the battle. American Victory Battle of Cowpens January 1781: Continental Army under Greene won the battle at Cowpen. American Victory February 1781: the coastal city of Wilmington was captured by the British. *Britsh Victories at the Coastal Cities of Savannah, Charleston, and Wilmington. Battle of Guilford Courthouse March 1781: Continental Army takes over Guilford Courthouse. American Victory Battle at Yorktown *Cornwallis took his army to Yorktown. *While Washington hurried from NY with 20,000men. *The French prevented the British Navy from saving Cornwallis. October 1781: Cornwallis was surrounded and forced to surrender. Yorktown was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War. American Victory Purpose: How did the Americans win this war? In September 1783 The United States and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Paris, where Britain realized the independence of the United States. The Americans won 14 of the battles, while the British only won 9. Even though the British won some of the battles, they didn't have the support like the Americans did. There is no black and white answer as to why the Americans won the war. It is a combination of leadership, drive, and support. Battle of Bunker Hill

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

Revolutionary war

Transcript: The Battle of Monmouth By Michael Berube and Kevin Donovan The battle of monmouth was fought on June 28, 1778 in New Jersey. It was also one of the last battles of the revolutionary war and the turning point of the war. Casualties The British had 10,000 British soldiars and the americans had 11,000 114 British soldiars were died 170 were wounded and 64 were missing. 108 Americans died 161 were wounded and 132 went missing. Leaders The leader of the colonial army was George Washington. George washington was a famous general who foght and lead armies in the French and Indiand war and in the Revolutionary war. He was born in the Westmoreland county in virginia. When he was a kid he lived on his familys estate. When he was 22 he was sent on a mission to warn the french commander at fort Le Bouef against taking any more land from the bitish. After this mission washington continued his career in the French and Indian war. He started doing bigger and better things. Later he became a general and commanded at the battle of monmouth The leader of the British army was General Sir Henry Clinton Sir Henry Clintons first experiences as a soldier was in the French and Indian war. He came back to the colonies in 1775 in time to fight in the Battle of Bunker hill. After Sir William Howe resigned Henry Clinton took the top position in the British army. Eventualy he commanded in the battle of Monmouth. Aftermath The battle was taken as a draw because the british won the battle tacticly and the Americans won the battle strategecly. After the battle the British went to New York city and Prepared defences incase of another attack while the americans continued to the other battles.

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