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Quiz Game Powerpoint Template

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quiz game

Transcript: quiz game : test your khnwolege amal ben hamza and mehrez htira contant content Introduction ( Attention getter needs to be implemented) Reasons ( why I’ve chosen this project) Demo ( solution) Challenges faced ( what went wrong/bad) Lesson learned Conclusion Introduction Introduction Introduction After the solo project we moved to the next step which is the pair project . And this time me and my pair meherz we choosed to work on quiz app that contains few questions on general culture. Reasons Reasons Reasons me and my pair choosed to work on a Quiz App so that we can develop our javascript, html and css skills and in the same time do something simple. Demo Demo Challenges faced Challenges faced At first i was strugguling to find the right way to achieve the project because my partner was having heth issues and i had to it by my selef and i started working and then i've got the help from him after he got better and shared our work and had the final solution for our app. Lessons learned Lessons learned The most important leeson i learned that working in pairs teaches us how to work with others despite of the huge conflicts that may happends between partners and how much of disegreements that they have in such or such point . so it's not important that we complete the project in the perfect way but the important thing is that we do it togther and share ideas . Conclusion Conclusion finely by making this little app i may say that i 'm satisfied by this work that we did me and my pair and i hope i do more in the next phases that will come soon or later and i hope that remain the same motivation to do the best that i can do in the future.

quiz game

Transcript: TOPIC QUIZ GAME BY 210071601132 &210071601133 OBJ. OBJECTIVE TO SPREAD GENERAL KNOWLADGE TO USERS IN A FUN MANNER WHEN THEY WISH TO TIME PASS. CODE TKINTER: IT IS A MODULE IN PYTHON.IT IS USED AND THE MOST BASIC GUI FRAMEWORK IS USED I PYTHON PROGRAMMING.TKINTER PROVIDES A POWERFUL OBJECT ORIENTED INTERFACE TO THE TK GUI TOOLKIT. IMPLEMENTATION CODE IMPLEMENTATION: IN THIS WAY WE HAVE TO IMPORT THESE MODULES from tkinter import * from tkinter import font we can add the mcq options through: def start_again(): global Score,Question_no Score = 0 Question_no = 1 next_b.config(text="next") val1.set(0) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) question.config(text=Questions[Question_no-1]) option1.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][0]) option2.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][1]) option3.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][2]) play_again.place_forget() score_output.place_forget() root.pack() FUNCTIONS HERE WE DEFINE DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS: def start_again(): Short description here def next(): def Check(Option): Short description here Short description here SOURCE CODE SOURCE CODE from tkinter import * from tkinter import font def start_again(): global Score,Question_no Score = 0 Question_no = 1 next_b.config(text="Next") val1.set(0) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) question.config(text=Questions[Question_no-1]) question.configure(background="purple") option1.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][0]) option1.configure(background="purple") option2.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][1]) option2.configure(background="purple") option3.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][2]) option3.configure(background="purple") play_again.place_forget() score_output.place_forget() root.pack() def next(): global Score,Question_no if(val1.get()): selected_option = 1 elif(val2.get()): selected_option = 2 elif(val3.get()): selected_option = 3 else: selected_option = -1 if(Answers[Question_no-1] == selected_option): Score += 1 if(Question_no == Total_No_Questions-1): next_b.config(text="Submit") Question_no = Question_no + 1 if(Question_no > Total_No_Questions): root.pack_forget(),rely=.45) = .45) score_output.config(text = "Score: " +str(Score)) else: val1.set(0) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) question.config(text=Questions[Question_no-1]) question.configure(background="purple") option1.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][0]) option1.configure(background="purple") if(Question_no > Total_No_Questions): root.pack_forget(),rely=.45) = .45) score_output.config(text = "Score: " +str(Score)) else: val1.set(0) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) question.config(text=Questions[Question_no-1]) question.configure(background="purple") option1.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][0]) option1.configure(background="purple") option2.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][1]) option2.configure(background="purple") option3.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][2]) option3.configure(background="purple") def Check(Option): if(Option == 1): # val1.set(1) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) elif(Option == 2): val1.set(0) # val2.set(1) val3.set(0) elif(Option == 3): val1.set(0) val2.set(0) # val3.set(1) Questions = ["What country has won the most World Cups?" , "In 2010, which one of these teams was not in the semifinals?" , "What’s the host country for the 2022 World Cup?"] Options = [["Argentina","Germany", "Brazil"], ["Spain","England", "Uruguay"], ["K.S.A","U.A.E", "Qatar"]] Answers = [3 , 2 , 3] Score = 0 Total_No_Questions = 3 Question_no = 1 Win= Tk() Win.title("Quiz Game") root = Frame(Win) root.pack() root.configure(background="purple") question = Label(root,width = 60,font=(10),text=Questions[0]) question.pack(fill=X) val1 = IntVar() val2 = IntVar() val3 = IntVar() option1 = Checkbutton(root,variable=val1,text=Options[0][0],command=lambda:Check(1)) option1.pack() option2 = Checkbutton(root,variable=val2,text=Options[0][1],command=lambda:Check(2)) option2.pack() option3 = Checkbutton(root,variable=val3,text=Options[0][2],command=lambda:Check(3)) option3.pack() next_b = Button(root , text = "Next",command=next) next_b.pack() score_output = Label(Win,font=(50)) score_output.place_forget() play_again = Button(Win,text= "Play Again",command=start_again) play_again.place_forget() Win.configure(background="black") Win.mainloop() OUTPUT THIS IS THE OUTPUT OF THE CODE.WE CAN SEE A QUIZ HAS APPEARED WHICH CONTAINS THREE OPTIONS AND ON SELECTING THE CORRECT OPTIONS YOUR SCORE WILL BE SHOWN. OUTPUT

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