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Mit Sloan Powerpoint Template

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MIT Sloan, 2008-9

Transcript: Ran qualitative insight groups for 90 potential clients Big DL (logo) An new mobile app to communicate between employees - Whats app functionality- chat, to do, calendar Head of Strategy and Insights MIT Sloan, 2008-9 Qual & Quant insights employees & customers --> Introducing results: • Built and launched India’s first 3D social network, GoJiyo, with 1.1m members- • Dun and Bradstreet valued this first Indian-specific online property at US$ 25m. • Led efforts for GoJiyo to acquire 150k video views, 100k Facebook fans and 1k Twitter followers, in 1 year. • Oversaw the work of 3 different creative agencies including JWT, Digitas LBi and Customer Centria. • Managed offline media including TV ads, partnerships with Bollywood films and shopping mall digital immersion activations across India. Insights Brief: to make a blind charity have a greater impact. Solution: partnered with IBM and Samsung to improve the Internet for blind people. Godrej- managing the many brands New mobile phone app Niki Gomez MBA- focused on entrepreneurship, marketing, technology strategy. Mission: making Godrej younger. Added Value member services Stephen Hawking and Everybody Technology Hunkemoller - Boutique agency specialising in digital marketing for retail - Based in London and Amsterdam - Large and smaller brands - Used insights to create strategy An MIT education is like drinking from a firehose Led to changes in: branding and communication product features

Debra Chang- MIT Sloan

Transcript: I look forward to meeting you on campus and sharing more about my trajectory with you in person! My goal was to channel the emotion that could have led to a crisis for our community into something that would strengthen us. Instead of falling apart, our organization grew, both in the strength of bonds and in numbers. Join a collaborative, down-to-earth, and curious student body I searched for experts in the field and found Dr. Justin Chen, who started the MGH Center for Cross-Cultural Emotional Wellness. To help address these issues, I now serve as their Director of Operations. August 2017 Arrival: Create a preventative mental health care enterprise at the Trust Center Let me take you on a journey... After my student's death, I knew I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. Team Player Leader Entrepreneur Driving towards mental health care innovation The morning after, I opened my home to 60 students to guide them through the grieving process. MGH Center for Cross-Cultural Student Emotional Wellness I want to fill that gap. MIT Sloan Collaborating with Harvard’s Memorial Church, dorm leaders, and dozens of students, I helped bring various parts of the campus together as we organized a memorial service. 7402019 Serve the campus and broader MIT community Last year, an event changed my career trajectory forever. What will I do at Sloan? 106km MIT Sloan School of Managment MIT Sloan is the next step on my journey to become a leader in the mental health care sector. Physicians say a significant challenge for providing mental resources is the lack of management talent that can lead from a strategic and business perspective. I've always cared about helping students see the beauty and value of life. Let's take a look at milestones along the way... DEBRA CHANG A student in my fellowship at Harvard took his own life. I learned that 20% of youth in the US live with a mental health condition. InterVarsity Campus Director Milestone #2 Debra's Journey to MIT Sloan Milestone #1 Empathy Campaign Developed fundraising campaign to raise $5000 for Rwandan genocide survivor to attend college Campaigned and recruited door-to-door, resulting in 27 new volunteers Team Player Leader: Executive Board Harvard Taiwan Leadership Conference Organized and led conferences for top Taiwanese high school students Presented on leadership and public speaking Milestone #3 InterVarsity Started student initiatives Created region-wide conference Zumba Instructor Network Taught Latin-inspired dance fitness to students as a way a positively impact physical & mental health Entrepreneur

MIT Sloan Optional Question

Transcript: Three years ago, I would have never seen myself doing something like this Here's where my journey has taken me so far... Here's what I do outside of work ...and it's the perfect metaphor for my path to MIT Sloan! It introduced me to some amazing people Introducing Thai food to Naim I want to become a thoughtful leader in technology, capable of enacting change without forgetting the importance of empathy. ... Designed and (painstakenly) built from scratch I follow a precedent set forth by my alma-mater: Learning is a life-long process with no final stage. I walk to someone's desk instead of responding to their email. “I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led.” ―-Thomas Jefferson Climbing is incredibly challenging, both physically and mentally. Clubs+Events The Buttermilks in Bishop, CA A beautiful (freezing!) place in the foothills of the Eastern Sierra Nevada Random Fact #1 Some Events I Helped Organize What have I learned from Naim? How to stay positive - despite all that he has gone through, he is always positive and ready to take on new challenges. I embrace diversity of all forms I enjoy sharing my Korean heritage with friends Where am I from? The tacky tie I wear to Arizona high school recruiting events My post-MBA career path: The University of Virginia Our Annual Outdoor Event Somehow chose a rainy day in the desert For these not so comfortable shoes What am I like at work? to achieving this goal ROCK CLIMBING I learn by doing - I try to learn a new skill every year "Mens et Manus" New skill circa 2010 - I learned woodworking and speaker building! It pushes me outside of my comfort zone My favorite part of Intel is the diversity of the people. Management Consulting Club Entrepreneurship Competition Happy Belly Club Family Event at the Train Park Thank you for viewing! Traded in my boat shoes... MIT Sloan is my path Management Consulting Who is Derek Bannatyne? Click the play button to see! A boulder aptly called "Pork Chop" in Red Rocks, NV Right before I fell off! I seek out challenging problems where my success is not necessarily guaranteed. My favorite site is It's how I know so many rap lyrics How? Tech Internal Consulting Product Management This is me "sending" my first V7 boulder problem in Red Rocks, NV ...and has shown me some amazing places UVa Club of Phoenix Fun Fact: MIT's Killian Court was modeled after UVa's Rotunda! Random Fact #2 It's one of the ways I've found to continually challenge myself What have I helped Naim with? I'm helping Naim navigate the unfamiliarity of life in the US and apply to college so he can fulfill his dream of returning to Kenya to open up his own business. A couple engineers, a few programmers, a doctor, a consultant, and some PhD students I thought climbers were supposed to be "dirtbags?" Teaching my roommate Joey how to make kimchi A few of the lifelong friends I met at UVa I have a deep loyalty to UVa and find strength in the community I built during my time there. MIT Sloan will build upon my foundations of leadership and help me develop personally and professionally. UVa Softball Viewing Party Refugee Focus Mentorship Random Fact #3 I don't believe the established way is always the right way. A few of my favorite albums Moved to Arizona for my job The incredible diversity of Arizona's landscapes - it's not all brown desert! Moved to VA when I was 11 Raised just outside of the nation's Capitol Attended UVa as an undergrad Enterprise Management Track Flexibility EM Lab Operations Lab Innovation Teams Curriculum Values Tightknit "Oceans" Cross-Campus Integration Action Learning Diversity Boston Vibrant, urban setting Job opportunities Leading city in innovation Education epicenter Born in San Francisco, raised in the Bay Area My parents: Mom: First-generation Korean Dad: California-born and raised I want to start and lead a climbing club to share my passion with the MIT Sloan community.

MIT Sloan

Transcript: A Cause that I cared For Washington Post The first few months at College changed the way I saw things. Photo Walks to Photography Club CabPlay prototype in action. Note :Click the play button to start the video. Keep Driving Thank you The Essence of My Journey * Failed.Tried Again.Failed Sooner. *picture clicked by me Camping and adventure First attempt at cooking a meal The Hindu : National Daily Next Stop! I explored new paths, learning something new everyday. * * pictures clicked by me * Business Standard Established the College Photography Club and served as the secretary. T A high paying job at Oracle or a start up that could help many students ? I chose the later. I met some wonderful people, made friends for life. Wild Life Trek and the experiment to live under Rs. 50/day for a week Appreciation to My Efforts Giving Back to the Community Media coverage about me and my start up, Mauka Technologies. A Problem Close to My Heart I liked clicking pictures, got together people who liked to click. Aspiring to Create a Global Impact. An MBA from MIT Sloan is an Ideal Next Stop. Experiences I Cherish Cheering for the home team in a cricket World cup Committed to solve problems related to sustainable development and clean energy. Contributing significantly to the adoption of peer to peer car sharing, an effective means to reduce the carbon foot print of urban transportation. * School Life to Life School! Contributed to the student and entrepreneurial community through mentoring, volunteering and participating in collaborative learning.

MIT Sloan 2015

Transcript: Me in communist Czechoslovakia in 1989 to take on various public relations roles such as giving interviews on The Today Show innovative marketing strategies the challenges faced by a major research and development organization how to leverage interdepartmental connections how to inspire and teach a younger generation by planning Take Your Child to Work Day As a medicinal chemist at Cubist Pharmaceuticals I have learned... to successfully delegate efforts to research partners self-management strategies As the Manager of Hire a Boston WingWoman I have learned... Sloan MBA 2015 how to give back to my community by volunteering in the ER at Mt. Auburn Hospital creative problem solving skills that it's never too late to start over and try something new that with hard work and dedication I can achieve my goals - just like my parents Through various extracurricular activities I have learned... how to be a successful people manager how to build and maintain a strong client base how to maintain close relationships with extended family that is an ocean away how to utilize social media such as Facebook and Twitter to reach target demographics the importance of cultural acceptance negotiation techniques to successfully plan and coordinate well-attended publicity events to set and meet goals and deadlines dedication and teamwork, which led to winning four co-ed soccer championships over the last three years What Sets Me Apart? Me! critical networking skills Together, these unique characteristics enable me to be a critical member of the Sloan MBA Class of 2015. As the daughter of Slovak immigrants I have learned... to have a passion for world travel starting from a young age the importance of teamwork how to cook and bake traditional Slovak dishes how to remain optimistic after failed experiments

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