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Eye Powerpoint Template

Create your presentation by reusing a template from our community or transition your PowerPoint deck into a visually compelling Prezi presentation.

Tips on a Good Powerpoint Presentations

Transcript: Chelsea Kawiti Certificate II Business Margaret River SHS Tip for a Good PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint PowerPoint Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create professional slide shows, to present in front of an audience. Template Create/select a template suitable for the topic. Templates Slide Master Use the 'Slide Master' feature to create a consistent and simple design template Slide Master PowerPoint Practices PowerPoint Practices There are good and bad PowerPoint practices and it is important to know these as it can help you improve the way a slide show is presented and make sure its delivered appropriately to your audience PowerPoint is usually used in businesses when delivering an idea or speech, so it is important to have a presentation look neat and professional Good Practices Good PowerPoint practices are important to know when creating a PowerPoint. It can help you make the PowerPoint attractive while making you look professional when delivering it to an audience. Good Practices Information on Slide Slide Information A good PowerPoint slide; Shouldn't include too much information on one slide Should have limited numbers and words Shouldn't over use punctuation Avoid putting words in all caps Use Headings and dot points Inserting Images & Effects Inserting Images & Effects A good PowerPoint Slide; Doesn't overuse special effects and transitions Doesn't use sound effects every transition Should have good quality images Save images to a file Presenting/ Delivering Delivering a Speech Talk with a clear loud voice Talk with confidence Face your audience Make eye contact Don't read off slide Use appropriate body language Bad Practices Bad practices shouldn't become a habit, they can make you look unprofessional in your work. Bad Practices Information and images on Slide Information and Images on Slide Bad Practices; Overlapping texts Too much information on one slide Not paragraphing or using dot points Using bad quality pictures Using bright unreadable fonts or colors Over using sound and transactions Bad Presentation Back facing audience Mumbling Shuffling Reading off slide Moving/ fiddling Not looking at audience Presenting/ Delivering

Bull's Eye Template 2

Transcript: Digital Communications Networking with speakers for our conference is directly practiced in this course Budgets for large projects Revenue Development Strategic Planning, learning to understand scope between ideas and budget Using GANTT charts and quantifiable information Human Resources Social Media and Marketing Bull's Eye Template 2 Project Planning creeping here Adobe project comprehension image above: The Accounting Cycle flowchart Auditing and Policy Knowledge and Implementation Volunteer Manual production Using databases such as Sumac and programs such as Excel to collect customer and financial information Comfort Zone Digital Communications Learning Zone Networking outside the group and communication continues to be time consuming, however a good group dynamic proves to be helpful Planning back plans is a lesson learned HST Calculations Budget Allocation Double Bookkeeping Continues to a level of trouble, seeking revenue for a time constrained project Who to seek is an issue How much is realistic for emergency, mistakes etc. by Eldiana Begovic Less of an issue as budgeting is fairly easy to document, having a "group" to review is beneficial Still danger, as it is one of our concerning "threats" Crucial to the event, and very much the success marker: Our audience both at the event and online is important for our conference Project Planning above image:Work breakdown structure GANTT chart for projects Possible danger zone creeping as project management is time crucial, certain aspects moving and lack of replanning abilities as a "threat" Lack of practice as this is not needed much in this event Pluralism and Policy hardly referred to Danger Zone Financial Management

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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