Transcript: Thank you for your attention! Examples: Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Done by: Ismailova A.P Diploma work Theme: "Intercultural communication as a result of overcoming of communicative barriers in interpretation of texts in the sphere of international economic relations" Scientific adviser Kulmakhanova N.M. Almaty, 2016 The main aim of this work is to identify communication barriers in interpretation of texts in the sphere of international economic relations. The main objectives are to identify communication barriers, ways of their overcoming and difficulties in the analysis of the performing the interpretation of texts in the sphere of international economic relations Object-problems of intercultural communication during translation. Subject - the contents of communication obstacles and ways to overcome them in the interpretation of the external economic cooperation texts. The actuality connected with the development of international communication in the field of economy. - The ability to choose from a translation of the text important information. This competence includes knowledge about the different concepts, strategies and methods of translation. - Social, cultural and intercultural competence, which includes skills activities, taking into account cultural differences. - Pragmatic competence is seen as the ability to understand texts. - Linguistic competence covers language skills in relation to their vocabulary, language system, stylistic means, and also includes the knowledge of native and foreign languages. - Communicative competence as the ability to understand (through verbal or non-verbal). This competence consists of pragmatic and linguistic elements: Most frequently used adjective "creative" in the phrase "creative accounting", "creative bookkeeping" - replaces direct "dishonest". "Bankruptcy" to replace of this word used metaphors: take a bath or American euphemism fall out of bed, instead of having big financial problems; close its doors, fold, take a haircut, wash out / up, instead of the going bankrupt / bankrupted. - The assumption of similarity (people believe that they are all the same); - Linguistic differences (people think that the words and phrases only have the value that they would like to pass); - Incorrect interpretation of non-verbal action; - Influence of stereotypes and prejudices; - Unconscious desire to give an assessment of all the unfamiliar cultural phenomena; - Anxiety and stress because of the uncertainty of the behavior of partners in intercultural communication. Zhirinovskiy V.V.: Among anti-crisis measures, we ought to stress the need to introduce order to foreign trade. We must put an end to the chaos in import-export operations. Today we have tens of thousands of middlemen, real corruption at the customs office, poor quality in imported goods, and import-based inflation. Conclusion Vladimir Putin: As for the decline in our trade, there are many reasons for this: they include the European sanctions, our counter-measures, the over-all decline in economic activity throughout the world and in Europe, the drop in the prices of Russia’s traditional export goods, and the currency exchange rate fluctuations. All of this has led Russia to lose its place as Finland’s number one trade partner to Germany and Sweden. But Finland has also incurred certain losses – according to our calculations, just over 1 percent of the GDP. The economic players are quite active. I already mentioned that Fortum, a well-known Finnish company, plans to make new investments worth 4 billion Euro or US dollars in the Russian power sector in Siberia and the Urals. Construction of a nuclear power plant in Finland will be carried out with a Russian loan of $7 billion. Today, our Finnish partners provided the following data: there are about 500–600 Finnish companies operating in the Russian market and, according to their data, this creates about 40,000 jobs in Russia. I assure you, both sides understand the importance and significance of trade and economic ties and treat them with great care, as much as is possible given the current conditions. We turn our attention to customs VAT levied on imported goods: this is an 18% additional increase in cost, which is often equal to the final profitability of the entire trade operation, and sometimes exceeds it. Lowering the contract costs for imported goods would allow a reduction in expenses and create a fertile soil for corruption in the lower and middle ranks of customs agents. However, the necessity to nonetheless pay the real cost to suppliers encourages corrupt businessmen to look for corrupt bankers, who are able to produce the money for this very purpose. What’s more, VAT, which should be paid to the state, is shared between the unclean hands of operators at each step of the process. The other option is to levy VAT on exports. Ultimately, for