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Consumer Powerpoint Template

Create your presentation by reusing a template from our community or transition your PowerPoint deck into a visually compelling Prezi presentation.


Transcript: Banking Tips 1.Save money each payday for emergencies. 2.Understand the terms of the agreement before you accept a loan or credit card. Facts 1.Having good credit is a function of having credit available to you and using it responsibly. If you don’t have or use credit, you may have no credit history at all and if you do, your credit score won’t be as good as someone who consistently demonstrates responsible use of credit over time 2.When you close a credit card account, you may be affecting your “credit utilization.” Credit utilization is simply how much credit you use (balances) compared to how much credit is available to you (credit limits). Closing a credit card account lowers the amount of credit that’s available to you, which may increase your credit utilization percentage if you maintain balances on any of your other credit cards. A higher credit utilization may negatively impact your credit score. 3.When you pull your credit report for your own educational purposes, it’s considered a “soft inquiry” and will not affect your credit score. On the other hand, when a creditor or lender pulls your credit report for the purpose of extending you credit or a loan, it’s a “hard inquiry” and may negatively impact your credit score 4.Your income has nothing to do with your credit score. It’s not reported to the credit bureaus or listed on your credit report. 5.Late payments and other negative information remain on your credit report for seven years from the date of the initial late payment. Bankruptcies typically stick around for 10 years from the bankruptcy filing date. While that black mark may continue to soil your credit report, however, its effect on your credit score will lessen over time. Budgets Tips 1.Every paycheck, put 10% aside for you. This way, you will never spend more than 90% of your income 2.Don't spend more than you make. If you're spending exceeds your income, target areas of profligate spending to make cutbacks. Tips 1.Use the Net to your own advantage. If you bank online, you don’t have to wait until the end of the month to check your statement. You can log in anytime and make sure nothing is amiss. An errant charge is often one of the first signs of identity theft, so check statements carefully and alert your bank immediately of any problems. 2.Trust your gut. You often hear, after consumers used an ATM with a skimming device, they had a bad feeling about it. If you do have that feeling, listen to it and remove yourself from the situation. Saving and Investing Budgets Facts Facts 1. Income. Using the Sample Budget, ask students to think of other sources of income that people other than Sonny might have. (Gifts, dividends, tips, commissions). 2.Expenses. Tell students that it helps to keep a log of monthly expenses to determine their spending habits when starting to budget. They must keep in mind that there are two types of expenses. 3.Fixed expenses – expenses that remain the same each month. Examples of fixed expenses include rent, car payments, insurance, monthly savings plan, etc. 4.Variable expenses – expenses that change each month. Examples are clothing, food, entertainment, etc. 5.Compare expenses to income. When all is said and done, Sonny's cash balance should be zero; that is, income and expenses should be equal. Tips 1.Investment costs should’t take you by surprise. Fees and expenses vary from product to product and can take a huge bite out of your returns. Even small differences in investment costs can translate into large differences in returns over time. 2. Many experts recommend keeping about six months of expenses in a federally insured account to cover sudden unemployment or other emergencies. Consumer Saving and Investing 1.The broad of congress has 7 members, called governors. 2.The five biggest banks hold 95 percent of derivatives: Nearly the entire market in derivatives — the credit instruments that helped blow up some of the nation’s biggest banks as well as mega-insurer AIG — is dominated by just five firms: JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citibank, and Wells Fargo. 3.The four biggest banks issue 50 percent of mortgages and 66 percent of credit cards: Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Citigroup issue one out of every two mortgages and nearly two out of every three credit cards in America. 4.The 10 biggest banks hold 60 percent of bank assets: In the 1980s, the 10 biggest banks controlled 22 percent of total bank assets. Today, they control 60 percent. 5. Even as the banks plan thousands of layoffs: Banks, including Bank of America, Barclays, Goldman Sachs, and Credit Suisse, are planning to lay off tens of thousands of workers. Facts 1.Long term stocks are predictable. 2.People invest in stock as a profession. 3.Large term profits can be made into larger stock. 4.IPO=1st time company sells stock 5.Beta=measures how much the stock market moves up


Transcript: Possible new strategy create connections with organizations based on south loop. create more opportunities for sponsors to advertise their company or products/services. Consumer Strategy In-class projects In-class project throughout the semester preparing for Manifest industry leaders, promoters, marketers, or people who are willing to take students' skills and artistic talents Crowd Counting Consumers of Manifest 11,400 undergraduate students many undergraduates participate the Manifest as a volunteer. design contests with prizes Possible new strategy create an incentive system based on how well their students performed, prepared, and the number of participants. Potential need more external sponsorships from various industries. create more opportunities and events specialized to south loop residents. They are the group who possibly makes Manifest more interesting to current, and graduating students. South Loop Community Possible new strategy Possible new strategy a perfect chance to promote themselves as an artist. Staff and faculty contests make academic courses more related with Manifest so that students can participate somehow as they take the class. main consumer,and target of Manifest resources - much of budget comes from student activity fees. more than 2,000 students' work each year managing and directing by AEMM students designed by A+D students VIPs/Dignitaries Undergraduates and Volunteers create awards, that is under VIP's or dignitary's name that might increase students' participation. Sponsors providing a chance to make personal connections from industries. appealing with successful stories from previous students who participated Manifest one of the largest subdivisions of Chicago great potential customers no current marketing strategy for this group Current Current Strategy Manual way - most effective way, but costly. Jacob's Method - easy, but estimated. create more creative and productive relationships with students. Potential new strategy more variety of contests with prizes and awards to increase numbers of graduating students and seniors starting few months before Manifest. More than 120 academic majors or programs create targeted advertisement throughout the communities Current strategy create an incentive system that gives more choices when volunteers participate the Manifest as graduating students. Graduating Students providing a chance to meet alumni, possible career information providers. The goal is to give consumers what they want, not what we think they want, and research helps marketers know what that is. Since Manifest doesn't generate any revenue by its services, it is very important to have the number of participants in specific by different groups.


Transcript: Prezi Images Creating an account. Prezi make it easy to upload and import images as they give the user many ways to import them. You can find the image and copy it, then paste it into Prezi. Or, you can use the image Prezi has provided and replace it, by this you can either find the image on Prezi, or upload it from your device. As you can see there are many options to import images and this shows the audience that there are many ways and that everyone can do this. On powerpoint, you can copy and paste images. But you cannot replace images that already exist and this can be hard for users to do as they only really have one option. When i heard that we needed to use new software i was intriged, and the Prezi website influenced this! It was very easy to create an account which is going to entice the audience and keep them interested. If it was difficult to create an account, the consumer would be put off the website and bored before using any of the technology. On powerpoint, there is multiple steps when a new user is creating an account and it can take a while. This will make the user not want to give the software a fair chance, as it was difficult to set up! Powerpoint Journal Powerpoint Prezi Choosing fonts My experience using Prezi Prezi has many fonts to choose from when creating a powerpoint and they are very varied and appropriate to use for everything that the consumer is looking for. On powerpoint, there is also a range of fonts to choose from, but Prezi has more to offer and they are better presented. Choosing templates Once you have signed up, when you are creating a presentation there are a variety of templates to choose from! These help with creating your first presentation and getting used to the software. They show how it all works and this will help the consumer when first starting up. There are many appropriate templates to fit with the users needs to create their presentation well as there are various themes and designs suitable for everyone to use and to fit with what the audience is looking for. Compared to powerpoint, powerpoint use slides and prezi uses frames. But on powerpoint they have a designer tool for each slide, but there are limited designs to choose from and they are relatively similar. But on Prezi, you can pick your first main template and you can design each frame individually to add more design and detail! What functions stand out? Prezi Working from a blank template On prezi, the function that stands out the most to me is ' Zoom to frame ' . I personally really like this function as it makes it easy for the audience to go from frame to frame easily and it shows the interactive side of Prezi. It makes it fun for the user to use and keep engaged. On powerpoint, they dont have anything similar to this avaliable as you can only click the slides. I think that this makes the software boring as its not very interactive. On prezi, there is also the option to work on a blank template and start from scratch by yourself. Prezi still give you suggestions on how to design your presentation, which make it easier for the audience to use. They make it very accessable to import text, images and interactive elements to create your presentation. However, on powerpoint when starting from a blank template, it is quite difficult to import simple technical aspects such as text boxes and images. They arent as easy to access compared to Prezi and they are harder to import. This is what both Prezi and Powerpoint blank templates look like, and we can see clearly that Prezi are easier and more presentable. Powerpoint

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