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BPMN mindmap

Transcript: Organizational Operational Implemented Basic concepts directed arcs Business Process Business Process BPM Text labels for distinguishing different events Activity Basic concepts refined by refined by can be used to loop Prescriptive Event Sequence flow Business Process Modeling Notation Notation Except for loops Why happens in the real world, doesn't take time for splitting and joining sequence flows BP overcome language barriers core of organization Event descriptive Gateway Event Gateway Imke Heusschen - Augustus 2019 annotations to improve understanding Sequence flow realize Sequence flow Basic concepts Icon labels for distinguishing different events Modeling Models a set of Business Process instances only the main activities are shown Activity Prescribes new Gateway defines the execution order of activities a set of activities that are performed in coordination in an organisational and technical enviroment activities jointly realize a business goal enacted by a single organization, may interact describe the execution ordering of activities and the interaction with partners At different levels exclusive (xor) parallel (and) Types Sequence flow Activity inclusive (or) Task types in the corner Activity Basic concepts Event Sequence flow units of work that require time to be performed simplify the complexity of the world always the same split and join nodes Activity realize describes existing labeled in "verb noun" style Gateway BPMN Event Basic concepts What Gateway Model / Management Exactly one path, based on conditions Merges alternative paths start end inter mediate catch catch/throw throw All outgoing paths Only if all paths are finished adds execution information (organizational and technical aspects) software Each path with true conditions Synchronization process activities from a business perspective graphical modeling main activities of an organisation textual form [ TEXT


Transcript: Bayt August 9th, 2018 Technical Session BPM BPM Business Process Management (BPM) Business process management (BPM) is the discipline of improving a business process from end to end by analyzing it, modelling how it works in different scenarios, executing improvements, monitoring the improved process and continually optimizing it. Professionals in sales, project management, and other areas use business process management (BPM) and business process modeling software to map out their approach to any specific process. What is BPMN? BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a flow chart method that models the steps of a planned business process from end to end. A key to Business Process Management, it visually depicts a detailed sequence of business activities and information flows needed to complete a process. Process Example Process Why BPMN? Why should I care about BPMN? Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is the global standard for process modeling and one of the most important components of successful Business-IT-Alignment. More and more organizations are using BPMN and in more and more universities BPMN is taught as a subject. These are the reasons: Standard Simplicity Power of expression Implementation in IT BPMN is not owned by a certain enterprise but by an institution (OMG), which is already established through other world-wide standards, e.g., UML. The standard is supported by many software products; you are less dependent on any particular vendor's products. Standard The principle behind BPMN is rather simple which is why you can start working with this notation very quickly. Simplicity If necessary, you can describe precisely how a process functions with BPMN. However, this is more difficult than only roughly describing the process. This way of precise modeling is possible, but not mandatory. Power of expression BPMN has been primarily developed to support technical implementation of processes ("Process Automation"). The more important the IT is in a company, the more helpful the use of BPMN becomes. Implementation in IT Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) developed BPMN, which has been maintained by the Object Management Group since the two organizations merged in 2005. Version 2.0 of BPMN was released in January 2011, at which point the name was adapted to Business Process Model and Notation as execution semantics were also introduced alongside the notational and diagramming elements. BPMI BPMI BPMN 2.0 BPMN 2.0 The vision of BPMN 2.0 is to have one single specification for a new Business Process Model and Notation that defines the notation, metamodel and interchange format but with a modified name that still preserves the "BPMN" brand. Aligning BPMN with the business process definition meta model BPDM to form a single consistent language. Enabling the exchange of business process models and their diagram layouts among process modeling tools to preserve semantic integrity. Expand BPMN to allow model orchestrations and choreographies as stand-alone or integrated models. Support the display and interchange of different perspectives on a model that allow a user to focus on specific concerns. Serialize BPMN and provide XML schemes for model transformation and to extend BPMN towards business modeling and executive decision support. The final version of the specification was released in January, 2011. Features Features Flow objects: events, activities, gateways Connecting objects: sequence flow, message flow, association Swimlanes: pool or lane Artifacts: data object, group, annotation Basics Basics Flow objects Flow Objects Connection Objects Connection Objects Swimlane SwimLanes Artifacts Artifacts BPMN Engine BPMN Engine The Workflow Engine executes most of the symbols defined in the BPMN 2.0 standard. With BPMN, you can express reliable service orchestration, human task flows, event handling and much more in diagrams that are technically executable yet easy to understand for everyone. What is a BPMN Engine(Workflow Engine)? What is BPMNE? Thanks to the pre-built integration with the DMN (Decision Management Engine), you can easily execute decision tables from within a BPMN process. Decision Management Engine DMN

BPMN 3123

Transcript: Parabens have been banned in cosmetic products : Harmful Effects: • Toxic to cells, causes mutations and cancer • Could cause or worsen thyroid disorders, liver disease and adrenal dysfunction • Causes skin rashes, burning skin irritation, excessive redness and a dryness or cracking of the skin BPMN 3123 MANAGEMENT ETHICS 1. ANUSHA ANNATHURAI (246814) 2. KAVITHA JAYAKUMAR (247827) 3. MUHENDRAN CHANDRA (250619) 4. KIRHIRAJ MARIAPPAN (251034) 5. WACHIRAK MALIPHONG (251037) A. BACKGROUND OF ROYAL EXPERT CODE OF ETHICS - Outline mission and values of the organization - How professional are they supposed to approach problems - Based on the ethical principles C. ROYAL EXPERT MERCURY – Isopropylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Phenylparaben, Benzylparaben and Pentylparaben by The European Scientific Committee on Consumer safety and ASEAN MERCURY 1. Parabens ~ preservatives in cosmetics and personal care products ~ While they are considered safe in accepted limits, the problem is that most products contain several types at the same time. D. DISCUSSION ETHICS CODE HONEST AND ETHICAL CONDUCT - fair dealing and ethical handling of actual conflicts RESPONSIBILITY - take responsibility on problem accused of INTEGRITY - fair in everything ~ The practice of using substances, mixtures, or physical treatments to lighten skin color ~ Treatments work by reducing the content of melanin of the skin ~ Beneficial side effects antioxidants ~ Some are a significant risk to health; for example, those containing mercury). B. SKIN WHITENING ~ Royal Expert Products have been founded and sell in the market since the year of 2009. Since then, this brand has been growing everyday ~ Royal Expert Malaysia is delicated in skin care, beauty, brightening and wellness A BACKGROUND OF ROYAL EXPERT B SKIN WHITENING C ROYAL EXPERT - CASE DESCRIPTION D DISCUSSION - ETHICAL THEORY & CONCEPT E CONCLUSION ~ Royal Expert case demonstrate serious inequality product. ~ The company produce high contain level mercury in their skincare product. Therefore, the company should immediately stop using harmful ingrediants in their product. ROYAL EXPERT COMPANY CASE STUDY GROUP ASSIGNMENT Harmful Effects: • Possible breast cancer • Decreased sperm count • Premature puberty CONTENT ~Mercury is a toxic chemical that is readily absorbed into the body but it is not easily removed ~Over time mercury can accumulate in the body and cause mercury poisoning not only to users but also to others in their households. THANK YOU! E. CONCLUSION 2. Hydroquinone: ~ It is considered a strong inhibitor of melanin product ~ It prevents the skin from making melanin which is responsible for the dark colour of our skins ~ Does not bleach the skin but just makes it lighter by disrupting the synthesis and production of Melanin hyper pigmentation.


Transcript: Process mapping with BPMN Ruani Smit BA CoP Knowledge Share Why is business process mapping important? Why? Benefits of understanding a business process: Gets all stakeholders on the same page. Identify pain points to solve the right problems. Spot inefficiencies and delays. Understand exceptions and errors. Understand accountability and responsibility. Understand the scope of a project. Gap analysis: understand what needs to be done by understanding the as-is and the to-be. Can use to drive standardization. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) BPMN Standardized notation Allows for detailed mapping Activities Gateways Events Swimlanes Tips Tips Make sure your process is easy to read and understand by the business stakeholders. Keep process step descriptions short and concise. Keep all of the same shapes the same size for a neat, uniform look. Keep the process flowing from left to right. Try to prevent having connector arrows that cross one another. Make sure all your shapes are aligned vertically and horizontally. Make sure the start and end points of the process are clear. Always have a legend. Make use of version control. Add the version and the date that the process was last edited to keep track of the latest version. Questions? Questions and tools Which process mapping software do you use? Some to consider: Microsoft Visio Lucid Chart ( ( Some of the free online tools can also open and edit Microsoft Visio files. NB! For work purposes, please make sure that you use a tool that has been approved by the organization to protect business information and IP.

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