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Blood Splatter Powerpoint Template

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Blood Splatter

Transcript: Blood Spatter BPA stands for blood spatter analysis BPA can determine: 1. Date and time of crime 2. Type and velocity of weapon 4. If the assailant was left or right handed 5. Types of injuries dealt 6. Whether death was immediate Blood and Your Body In the human body, blood accounts for roughly 8% of body weight Males have about 5-6 Liters of blood Females have about 4-5 Liters of blood Types of Splatter Low Velocity- dripping blood High-velocity- gunshot wounds Medium-velocity- blunt object, fist, stabbing, artery spray Other Bloodstain Patterns 1. Cast-off stains- When blood on an object that is swung through space flies off onto a surface. 2. Shadowing/Ghosting- When there is an empty space or "void" in spatter. An object may have blocked spatter. 3. Swipes and Wipes- When blood on a surface is smeared. 4. Transfer pattern- bloodstain pattern left on a surface after a bloody object has been placed on it. Analyzing the Path of a Blood Droplet 1. Blood droplets form at the edge of a surface as teardrops. They change into spheres. 2. The diameter of a blood stain increases with the height from which it was dropped. Types of Wounds 1. Incisions- Thin wound caused by object such as knife spatter: low velocity 2. Lacerations- tear wounds caused by blunt trauma. Low or medium velocity 3.Penetration wounds- sharp object is inserted and pulled out. OUCH! spatter: low and medium velocity 5. Abrasions- scrapes caused by sliding against a rough surface spatter: wipes What did you learn????? Thanks for Watching! 3. Movements/position of those involved 4.Gunshot wounds- bullets spatter:high velocity 6. Puncture wounds- caused by think, pointy object spatter: low-velocity Enrichment 2012

Blood Splatter

Transcript: Hair Found at Crime Scene: Taking the rectal temperature and using the Glaister equation we have found that Anna Garcia died at 7am. Her rectal temperature when she was found was 98.4 As you can see the finger prints found were Alex Garcia's, but they could have been left when he went to visit Anna the night before. Interviews/Suspects Alex Garcia's Finger Print: Erika Piedmont: Alex Garcia's new wife and was seen sitting in a car parked on the street in front of Anna's house the day before her death. The Evidence: Anna Garcia While doing the blood splatter analysis I discovered that the diameter of the blood drop generally stayed the same the higher you drop them. I have also found that Anna most likely hit her head on the table and then her head began bleeding because in the crime scene it was only a pool of blood not many splatters. So in my opinion the blood didn't fall from such a high point. After researching the unknown substance found at the crime scene, we have found that it is aspirin. She could have been taking aspirin for a headache or any other type of pain. Unknown Substances Alex Garcia:They had been through a nasty divorce and were having financial difficulties involving Anna's life insurance plan After analyzing all the evidence,I have come to the conclusion that Anna's death occurred naturally, for the following reasons:although the finger prints found at the crime scene belonged to Alex they could have been left behind the night before, when they argued. Another reason being that the hair samples belonged to her and not to anyone else.She was also taking aspirin which could have lead to her death or the reason she was taking the aspirin could have been the reason of her death. Although some suspects might seem very suspicious I believe it was just coincidence. A final reason that Anna might have died is because she could of had some kind of illness, however we still do not have the information to confirm that. Doug Greene:Anna's friend and the one who called the police. Anna and him were involved romantically but Anna ended it. Lucy Leffingwell: Anna's best friend and co-owner of a bakery.Anna and Lucy have been arguing whether to expand the bakery or not.Lucy wants to but Anna refuses. Hair Sample Blood Splatter Analysis As you can see the hair clearly belongs to Anna Garcia Shoe Print of Anna Garcia: Time of Death Finger & Shoe Prints Conclusion: Anna's Hair: Shoe Print found at the Crime Scene: The shoe print found at the Crime scene clearly belonged to Anna Garcia, they have the same triangular pattern that none of the other shoes have. Finger Print found at crime scene:

Blood Splatter

Transcript: CHromatography Fairmont Heights hs Bitotech program January 13th 2017 Nayaritte Saavedra First piece of filter paper: First write any message at the edge of the paper IN PENCIL Poke a small hole in the middle of the paper Use marker(s) to place a small dots in a ring around the center This paper will become your chromatography. Second piece of filter paper: Fold the paper in half then in fourths lengthwise. Tear along folds, and discard outer sections. The two longer strips can be made into wicks. To make a wick, roll one of the longer strips, starting at the shorter end Insert this rolled wick into the round hole in your chromatography. The dish: Lay the chromatography over the dish so that it rests on the rim with the wick extending down into the water Watch the water enter the wick and travel out across your chromatography, carrying the ink as it travels. Note how some of the inks begin to separate into differently colored dyes. When the water nearly reaches the edge of your chromatography, remove it and place it somewhere clean and safe to dry. Discard the wick into the waste basket. Variables Materials 8 Filter Pieces 3 dark markers 3 light markers dish tap water pencil The propose of this project is to understand the different pigments that make up a light or dark color. This project interests me due to the fact, I want to become a forensic pathologist. Some cases will have evidence that are stained and you would need to separate them. Work Cited Chromatography’ is an analytical technique commonly used for separating a mixture of chemical substances into its individual components, so that the individual components can be thoroughly analyzed several types of chromatography, each differing in the kind of stationary and mobile phase they use Many markers use different kind of ingredients. Such as eggs, peanuts and, latex. Background Information Hypothesis Conclusion Future Studies I would change the solutions to separate the dyes. I would love to work with blood spatter and measure it from different heights Forensics Science The piece of filter paper (11 cm) tap water Data If I separate dye from dark and light colors then darker colors will separates faster because darker colors have more color pigments. Independent Variable - The marker color Dependent Variable - base colors coming out In conclusion, my hypothesis was incorrect. Light colors separate faster than dark colors. In this experiment i found out that lighter colors have less, pigments towards them. Such as the color brown, brown has about 4 different colors including black, red, green and, blues. Purpose Which color dyes will separate faster? Procedure Constants

Blood Splatter

Transcript: March 2017 Samantha Holloway, Tori O'Brien, Sydney Rogers, Skylar Richardson Blood Splatter What type of blood pattern was this? Station 5 tori Station 5 Insert your own text here. Talk about something related to your first topic or just put some placeholder text here. Answer Question 2: Where do you thing the victim was wounded? Answer 2 :We believe the victim was wounded in the leg artery we believe this because the height of the blood spurts on the cabinets around the area. Answer: Arterial Spurt. Answer: sin-1 (w/l) How do you find A.I for each drop? Angle of Impact Width= .6 Length= .9 sin-1(.6/.9)= 41.810 41.8 degrees Approximate A.I for drop A 19.5 degrees AI of drop B answer. A.I of drop B No it does not make sense with the other drops because the other drops do not look like drop C. I can tell this because it is more of a perfect circle but it also has spine spatters and the other do not have spine spatters. About 40 inches How far did drop C fall? For this lab station we had to look at blood splatters and recognize what tool caused the splatter. Station 6 Station 6 A For blood splatter A we found that it was a hoe because we lined up the hoe with the blood smear that had three lines and it matched up perfectly with the hoe. Blood Splatter A For blood splatter B we found that the tool used was a hammer because it ripped the paper when it hit the surface and blood was not just in drops, it was smeared and there was also a cast off. Blood Splatter B B For blood splatter C we concluded that the tool used to create the splatter was the scissors. We could tell this because there was a clear outline of the scissors. We compared the size of the handle of the scissors and it matched up perfectly. Blood Splatter C C For blood splatter D we concluded that the tool used was a wrench. We concluded this because we compared the tip of the wrench and there was a smear that matched up perfectly to it. There was also drips of blood around from almost a perfect circle and did not have a tail which means that the angle of impact was around 0 degrees. The blood splatted at medium velocity based on the size of the cast off. Blood Splatter D D Station 7 What hand did he wipe the blood with? Where could have he have been wounded? The man was pushed from behind and he hit his head very hard on the cabinet and when he did he fell to the ground and he was stabbed in the lower stomach area and also he was stabbed in the left shoulder. What exactly happened? For this station there were 6 parts that went along with blood drops and almost everything about them . Station 4 Station 4 In this part we had to identify the type of blood stain it is. So our group determined that it was a cast-off. We made this distinction because the blood was stained from the object being in motion. Part A. and B. Title We determines these estimations for the angle of impacts A:10 degrees B:10 degrees C:10 degrees D:5 degrees Title Part C. We came up with these A.I for each of the drops E:17 degrees, with the width being .3 and the length being 1 F:19 degrees, with the width being .2 and the length being .6 G:16 degrees, with the width being .2 and the length being .7 H:6 degrees, with the width being .1 and the length being .9 I:53 degrees, with the width being .4 and the length being .5 Part D. Title You use the strings to show the path the blood took. The story behind these strings is that someone was was struck upon by an object very low & close to the floor. Part E. Title The blood drops could have came from in front and thrown with their right hand, which is most likely their dominate hand. Part F: Title

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