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Auction Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Alejandra is 22 years old, graduate from Harvard University She have 5 years of experience in auction company. Angie is 22 years old, Student of the Chicago University trainee at our company. Jessica is 22 years old, graduated from the University Toronto, the experience in the field is the 1 year in company auctions. In the auctions of antiques are marketed products very old striking by its history. Characteristics of: - Crystal - Porcelain - Metals - Sculptures Payment Terms How to confirm that the product is legitimate? Products and organization Thanks for your attention. Auction rules Explanation type of auction. Characteristics Type the products: Within the auctions of antiques there are different products, according to its characteristics are considered antiquity or relic. 1. Allocative efficiency 2. Seller surplus 3. Transparency 4. Information disclosure 5. Objectivity What is an Auction? The auction is a system of marketing characterized by selling the goods, to who better pay for them without a certain established exchange value but will be sold to anyone who pays more for the good. Who composes an auction? Customer Type. The type of products tobe auctioned will be A XX century date chandelier, used by the British royality Some paintings by the Duke Rupinzky, from the kingdom of Hamburg. A set of Spearheds soldiers from the army of Queen II of England. A cup belongin to XX century, coming from the middle-east, wich was a gif to the monarchy of Monaco. The Profile Of Our Collaborates Auction Conservation of antiques Certification The process will be the follows: This is an English style auction, here the possible purchasers will push the products costs upwards until a considered maximum depending on the money they could have. Antiques auction: This class of auctions are directed at the general public, but in particular to collectors with purchasing power.

Auction Education PowerPoint

Transcript: because food for a day just isn't enough... Health Classes and Yoga English as a Second Language (ESL) Life skills "Yes I Can" After school Program Students enroll in GED classes in the hopes of getting their high school diploma. Many of them to get would also like to get a Work Keys certificate to get better employment. With the help of many volunteers, the program has grown over the years and students are able to work in smaller groups to focus on the skills they need the most. "Yes I Can" Summer Camp Monthly Health classes teach students about making smart life-style choices. Weekly Yoga classes help to ensure that participants get a chance to unwind and get in shape. Parenting classes are open to the public. Once a month parents cover topics such as: different parenting styles, how to communicate with your child, and the importance of spending quality time with your children. “Yes, I Can” after school program meets Monday through Thursday from 3:30 – 4:30 pm during the school year and is designed to assist elementary school age children with their homework and basic academic skills. This year, thanks to volunteers, we were able to accept 41 children! Sharing Blessings. Changing Lives. Arts and Crafts Every July, Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach is flooded with excited children eager to beat the summer heat. Financial Peace University and Budgeting English as a Second Language classes are offered in the morning and evening. Students range in age from 18-65. They come from a variety of backgrounds most, however, are from Central and Southern America. They are working hard on their language skills, many come to class after a 12 hr day at work. Once their English improves, students are able to find better employment and help their children with homework. Students attend various life-skills classes that include: computer classes, couponing, Darkness to Light training, hurricane preparedness, smoking cessation and much more. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach The Early Childhood Development program accepts children 18 months to 4 years old. Once a month, parents get to spend quality time with their children during "lapsit", which shows parents how to productively play with their children. GED Classes @ Everyone that comes in for financial help is required to come to a budgeting class to help them organize their finances. In 2011, Financial Peace University was also added to the program offerings to give students a comprehensive financial plan. Early Childhood Development Participants gather to work on individual and group projects with materials and sewing machines donated through Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach. A diverse group of women work together all year to donate items for the annual Auction. Sharing of ideas and skills knits this group together! Our Lady Of Mercy Community Outreach Educational Programs Teaching communities how to fish Quilting and Sewing Classes Parenting Classes Local artists teach both children and adults to paint and make different crafts such as pillows and stained glass. Join us on our journey of sharing blessings through education and changing lives


Transcript: Auction Scarlett Li Basic Auction Type 1.English Auction 2.Dutch Auction 3.Sealed Bid Auction What is Auction Definition More money for the seller because of the competitive nature of bidding. Competition typically heats up most intensely at Absolute Auctions because bidders know that by besting a rival across the room or online, the property can be theirs. But of course, other bidders have the same strategy and desire. Absolute Auctions typically get the most bidding. For the seller, the risk associated with an Absolute Auction is greater than the other types of auctions, but so is the potential reward. Absolute Auction Absolute Auction PICTURES Minimum Auction Minimum Bid Auctions begin at a minimum price established by the seller. Bidding must begin at least at that minimum before there can eventually be a sale. The minimum bid is published and announced by the auctioneer at the start of bidding for that particular property. These auctions offer a certain level of safety to the seller but are not usually as attractive to buyers as an Absolute Auction. A key strategy for a Minimum Bid Auction is for the seller to set the minimum bid low enough to attract the interest of buyers. Setting the minimum bid too high will discourage initial bidding. minimum Auction MAP Sealed Bid Auction In a Sealed Bid Auction, bidders privately submit their one best offer, in writing and in a sealed envelope. The bids are opened privately by the auctioneer and seller who do not reveal the bids to any of the participants. The seller can take one of the following courses of action: Accept the highest or best bid; reject all bids and call for a “Best and Final” bid from the two highest bidders, or just commence serious negotiations with all the identified bidders. Sealed Bid Auctions are often used for properties that do not have a broad market or appeal. Furthermore, keeping the bids private helps ensure that if all bids are too low for any of them to be accepted by the seller, the property will not become stigmatized by having a perceived low value in the marketplace. Dutch Auction Other Picture

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