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52 Reasons Why I Love You Template Powerpoint

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Reasons Why I Love You

Transcript: Funny Freaking ADORABLE LOOK AT THAT!!! You are so handsome baby! I love your hair, your smile, eyes, arms, legs, EVERYTHING! You make me wanna stare, drool, and go all derpy. SO HANDSOME! Sweet You know who I am And you're a pretty fab hair dresser.. U You make me smile! ...You think this is cute... Prince charming You've stuck with me...held onto the balloon...and didn't let me go. You stayed devoted to me, honestly and adoringly devoted to one person, and i just happened to be that lucky someone... You will never give up on me NINJA You...just make me laugh. I love this picture of you..Haha Ahh..I..I don't even know what to say to this.. ADDOORRAABBLLEE!!! You always know what to say You're comfortable with me Look at that fab... You know me.. I love my water.. I love you! You always tell me this. That i can't cry because you aren't there for me! I love that!! You'll get me Breakfast!!!! Cutest couple EVER!!! You go along with my silly things;) Look at that fabulousness right there! Sooooooo fabulous! (I love your face!) You never gave up on me...and never will. I can trust you to stay by me and be there for me..stop me when I fall, and catch me if I do. I don't know how...I don't know why...and I don't know how it's possible...but think this is cute... I think you are going crazy..but you know... Happy Birthday! My Christmas present in 2013. You gave me all of this!!! And a kiss!! I am so lucky.. You never let your love go F+A Because i can And I mean, come on...we're cutest couple! Giving Because you are you By: Me Even if it's just sending me a picture you always know that to say to cheer me up or look on the bright side. I love this about you. And even though you don't say it yourself, it's special to me... Knight in shining armor (napkins) You can deal with my family. #sweg You know how to make me laugh and how to cheer me up. I love all your silly faces, even if you think they are stupid!!! Reasons Why I Love You Fabulous You like my silly quirks:) No matter how hard i made it for you to keep a hold of that love you had for me, you stuck with it. you held onto your love and never let it go...never let me go. and as soon as i came to my senses, you were there for me, to help me, to guide me, and to reclaim me as yours. i am so so lucky... You know who I am. You know that i push myself past the breaking point and that I'm practically on self-destruct. But you help me. You deal with me. And no matter ho hard i make it for don't give up on me. You push through my stubbornness and tell me what i have to do in order to survive this. You knock sense into me. Sense that i don't already have. You keep my sanity... Devoted UR A UNICORN!!! Just 'Cuz You aren't afraid to love me Handsome You saved my life....with a straw! OMG.. Anndd... YOU'RE GOOFY! Because you have a big, caring, giving, adorable, loving, sweet, silly, dorky heart

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