Transcript: "Also note that invariably when we design something that can be used by those with disabilities, we often make it better for everyone". Don Norman "It is relatively easy to design for the perfect cases, when everything goes right, or when all the information required is available in proper format". Don Norman Russ Unger & Carolyn Chandler Lim Siah Chuan "Translating this knowledge into different aspects of the user experience, from when we first want something to when we no longer interact with it or need to replace it" User experience which is the way a person feels about how user interaction with a systems or service. Russ Unger, Carolyn Chandler (2012) A project guide to UX design, for user experience designer in the field or in the making, second edition New riders, 1249 Eighth Street Berkeley, CA "These elements include the things a user can touch ( such as tangible products and packaging), hear (commercials and audio signatures)" Russ Unger & Carolyn Chandler However, from the point that i research with different results, i realize that there is still have more things which can be improve and its also following the culture which let the users enhance their experience. So, i believe that creating a new generation of experience which can bring benefits that extend far beyond the immediate subject area "Emotional interaction is about considering what makes us happy, sad, annoyed, anxious, frustrated, motivated, delirious and so on" UX Design UX Design Desirable aspects First Principles of Interaction Design (Revised & Expanded) Online Available: http://asktog.com/atc/principles-of-interaction-design/ [Accessed 5 Mar 2014 ] From the all that i explore and research, i found out there's a new things which is five sense design (Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste Smell ), i guess this will led to a better future for all the people which can build up a great lifestyle of experiencing. Who influence the user experience, Online Available: http://briankerr.wordpress.com/2009/09/23/who-influences-the-user-experience/ [Accessed September 23, 2009] BY Supporting creativity Emotionally fulfilling Further Exploration Undesirable aspects Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, jennifer Preece Boring Frustrating Annoying Unpleasant User experience goals The insights psychology research has brought to the design "A diversity of user experience goals has been articulated in interaction design, which cover of emotions and felt experiences. These include desirable and undesirable ones" Patronizing Cutesy Gimmicky Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp, Jennifer Preece (2011) Interaction Design, beyond human-computer interaction third edition John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium United Kingdom Sastifying Enjoyable Engaging Pleasurable Motivating Enhancing sociability The personal, or intrinsic, motivation people have to take on new challenges within your products Bibliogrphy What Is User Experience Design? Overview, Tools And Resources Online Available:http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/10/05/what-is-user-experience-design-overview-tools-and-resources/ [Accessed October 5th, 2010] The emotional effect of an attractive design "Good design looks great, yes – but why shouldn’t it also feel great, smell great and sound great"? Jinsop Lee The Result The UX design which is User Experience Design Emotion and the UX INTRODUCTION "It includes the things that users can interact with in ways beyond the physical, such as digital interfaces (websites and mobile phone applications), and of course, people (customer services representatives, salesperson, and friends and family)" ‘Flavourful’ UX Learning Journey In Singapore: Experience design through senses Online Available: http://blog.netizentesting.com/ux-5-senses/ [Accessed MARCH 12, 2014] "The creation and synchronization of the elements that affect users experience with particular company, with the intent of influencing their perceptions and behavior"