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Sprint Demo

Transcript: Ini2Sql Script use vmussd; -- getting the service code id SELECT @ServiceCodeId:=Id FROM ussdServices WHERE ServiceCode = '{0}'; -- disabling old revision SELECT RevisionId INTO @oldRevId FROM Revisions WHERE ServiceCodeId = @ServiceCodeId AND IsActive = 1; UPDATE Revisions SET IsActive = 0 WHERE RevisionId = @oldRevId; -- Inserting a new revision, revision id will be equal to the latest insert id INSERT INTO Revisions (ServiceCodeId, Description, DateCreated, DateActivated, IsActive) VALUES (@ServiceCodeId, '{1}', NOW(), NOW(), 1); -- get the new revision id SELECT last_insert_id() INTO @newRevId; -- Insert new revision id and the content of the ini file into the USSDApps table INSERT INTO USSDApps (RevisionId, AppContents) VALUES (@newRevId, """ Purpose? Jenkins Integration /** * Deletes cookie matching <b>name</b>.<br> * <br> * If the cookie is not found, nothing happens<br> * * @param name * The name of the cookie to delete. */ @RobotKeyword @ArgumentNames({ "name" }) public void deleteCookie(String name) { browserManagement.getCurrentWebDriver().manage().deleteCookieNamed(name); } dos2unix app.ini && sed -i.orig 's/\"/\\"/g; s.\\{.\\\\{.g; s.\\\}.\\\\}.g' app.ini && pbcopy < app.ini Script SQL Template Test Libraries Script Snippet Java Support dosCmd = subprocess.Popen(['dos2unix', '{0}'.format(abs_file_path)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) sedCmd = subprocess.Popen(['sed', '-i.orig', 's/\"/\\"/g; s.\\{.\\\\{.g; s.\\\}.\\\\}.g',"{0}".format(abs_file_path)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: with open(abs_file_path, 'r') as iniFile: except IOError: print "Error opening the .ini file" sys.exit() output = sqlTemplate + '"' + data + append with open("{0}".format(args.outputFile), 'w') as outFile: outFile.write(output) *** Settings *** Library Selenium2Library Suite Setup Go to homepage Suite Teardown Close All Browsers *** Variables *** ${HOMEPAGE} ${BROWSER} firefox *** Test Cases *** Google devops and find wiki Google keyword devops wikipedia *** Keywords *** Google keyword [Arguments] ${searchkey} ${result} Input Text id=lst-ib ${searchkey} Click Button name=btnG Wait Until Page Contains ${result} Xpath Should Match X Times //a[text()='DevOps - Wikipedia'] 1 Click Element xpath=//a[text()='DevOps - Wikipedia'] Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//a[text()='Requirements'] Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//a[text()='Requirements'] Xpath Should Match X Times //a[text()='Requirements'] 1 Capture Page Screenshot Click Element xpath=//a[text()='Requirements'] Go to homepage Open Browser ${HOMEPAGE} ${BROWSER} Ansible Sprint Demo Robot Framework

Sprint Demo

Transcript: Thank You. 3. Api bug fixes sheet. 1.Code Analysis. Live Apk: The testing was done in on all of 3 Apk bug were fixes. Giving our contribution for testing apk. List of specific bugs that were discovered on the live APK. Brief description of each bug and its impact on the user experience. Evaluating and improving code quality through systematic examination. Higher code quality. Improved team collaboration. Reduced bug count. Knowledge sharing and mentoring. Areas of improvement identified 4.Commenting the code for more understanding. 2.profile showing 100% Before the recent code modification, the profile percentage displayed a value of 95%. The issue was identified and addressed through a change in the codebase. The modification ensures that the profile percentage accurately reflects the completeness of the user's profile, and as a result, it now shows 100%. Clarity: Provides clear guidance on what aspects of the code to comment on. Organization: Maintains a structured approach to commenting, covering essential areas. Completeness: Ensures all critical aspects of the code are adequately documented. Readability: Creates a clear and understandable framework for documenting code. Project Architecture. Sprint B. 1Gen Nano Sagar Ahire. Shayuri Harpale. Omkar Jadhav. Guided By: Sahil Rana and our team members. Afterwards, we make API requests, such as adding specific information to a particular API, followed by verifying the corresponding collection in the database and utilizing specific IDs to validate the database entries We need to review the project code flow, examine specific API endpoints, and verify the collection names used within the APIs After reviewing the code flow and APIs, we proceed to test the APIs on Swagger by retrieving and adding data through API calls.

Demo sprint 19

Transcript: DEMO SPRINT 19 GI JUICE NUMBER OF POINTS FINISHED: 76 4 - Converted 21000 NN policies INCIDENTS Conversion november Solvency II Prepare SOX Controle PAT NUMBER OF POINTS NOT FINISHED: 17 - All deliveries for RIS are sent to SAPBP (6 in total) 1 19-11-2012 AFTERCARE 1 6 2 Aftercare Release - Monthly reports where deliverd IWH Juice chain test - Started Forecast for march -Reason: PRIO 2 aftercare GI Release - Prepared, not yet executed - Aftercare release -Because of the large amount of incidents From now on daily renewals - PAT activities finished - Prepared and finished before Release 2012-02 1 - Live in the weekend of 10-11 1 - End of the run on monday 19th of november IWH SAPBP Forecast conversion Incidents Done - Reason: Juice not ready, so it has an impediment Start Renewal GI Juice - Total of 31 incidents resolved IWH Rationalize EMS Dry Run PRIO 1 - Incidents are raised and changes are implemented Recovery action - Solvency II was build, but documentation has to be reviewed - IWH dumps In Progress 5 IMPLEMENTATION We met 84% of our planning 5 Sprint 19 GI Juice 31 IM 2 'aftercare' IM 3 Problems closed 1 Emergency Change 21.000 RVS Policies To Be Done NUMBER OF POINTS PLANNED: 93 No more PDG application and IBIS4PDG 31 Monthly Reports PAT approval CONVERSION 2 Forecast Conversion 25 - Time-out issue IFSA - Impedimented because of foreseen issues Release 2012-02 implemented! 90% of conversion run done (as planned) Renewal done Some aftercare incidents IWH dumps caused more incidents Recovery not done because of impediments IWH GI Juice RELEASE 2012-02 Facts & figures: END 7 - Run completed 90% 3

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