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Concept Design Presentation

Transcript: Concept Design Presentation Unit 10 - Engaging An Audience Concept Overview Brief Concept Overview my concept for this unit is to create social media adverts for Neal's Yard in order to gain attention from younger people. social media is some of the most effective ways to advertise products to potential customers and to gain attention from different audiences. i want to create an advert that catches a persons attention and therefore makes them want to look more into Neal's Yard as a company and even think about and then purchase a product. i am also creating an advert that fits their current advertising style as to keep within what they're already doing. their adverts are simple, natural and beautiful to look at. Types of advertising Adverts I've been thinking about several different advertising options and the best platforms to create adverts for. My preferred options are Instagram stories and Twitter as i use those most often and that's also the places where i get most exposure to different types of adverts. One of the things i'm going to have to work around is coming up with the advertising ideas by myself as Neals Yard currently doesn't have have any social media adverts. I will be looking at their other current adverts to get inspiration. Targeting an audience One of the things I've learnt from my research but also from myself being a consumer is that what works and attracts one age group definitely doesn't work from another. That's one of the reasons I've chosen to do a social media advert, it will attract and target a younger demographic. Targeting An Audience I need to create an advert that is going to capture the persons attention long enough to stop them from continuing to scroll. By doing research i can look at the best adverts that seem to engage younger demographics then incorporate as much as i can then into mine. When thinking about this project i wanted to make sure i was doing something i could be inspired doing and something that had an amazing message or ethos behind. Ethos Company ethos As customers you can expect to see: - fair pricing - efficient and knowledgeable service - straightforward descriptions of products and services - freely available information about products and suppliers this means that from the products you are buying you can expect good quality products that have been made with both the enviroment and the staff behind them in mind. And know that behind the scenes staff can always expect: - stimulating working atmosphere - a fair share of responsibility - opportunities for career and personal development - transparency around the companies’ policies and actions questions?

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable