Brand Launch Event
Transcript: We aspired to GROW, so we decided to lay our EFFORTS We just knew where to BEGIN and Enhance FIIB’s reputation and market position with an integrated communications and marketing strategy C4 To advance the practice of management, and produce leader-managers of business and social relevance OUR MISSION STATEMENT To develop success-ready leader-managers who drive growth in their communities and professions WHY WE EXIST WHY WE EXIST An exemplary individual focused and career oriented education that challenges every student to develop the right attitude, problem solving abilities and management skills for their long term career success WHAT WE OFFER WHAT WE OFFER By providing a strong knowledge foundation, rigorous experiential training and a career-empowering community HOW WE MAKE IT HAPPEN HOW WE MAKE IT HAPPEN OUR PROMISE To challenge you to achieve your potential, and create opportunities for your future success TO STUDENTS TO STUDENTS To provide opportunities to make meaningful difference with your work in own and others' lives TO FACULTY AND STAFF TO FACULTY AND STAFF TO ALUMNI TO ALUMNI To nourish your intellectual and career advancing needs, as well as the need of inspiring those who follow TO BUSINESSES TO BUSINESSES To help you discover and develop skilled, highly motivated, hardworking and career-ready individuals who will enable you to drive your organization forward Enter to Learn. Leave to Succeed OUR TAGLINE OUR PERSONALITY confident, executive presence, engaging/appealing personality Smart Spirited youthful, full of energy, enthusiasm and determination, take up challenges, can do attitude Dynamic industry ready, problem solver, creative, used to constant change Focussed achievement/outcome oriented, get the job done attitude, hard-working, perseverant, prioritize Purposeful upholding values and ethics, make thoughtful choices, relevant, self aware