Transcript: TYPES OF DISCOUNT? WHERE TO FIND DISCOUNTS? SPECIAL DISCOUNT encourage the buyer for quick payment or settlement WORD OF MOUTH an allowance or concession in price A discount, or free service, offered to children younger than a certain age, commonly for admission to entertainments and attractions, restaurants, and hotels. -reduce inflow of cash TV KID/CHILD DISCOUNT MAGAZINES -selling at a loss ADVANTAGES OF DISCOUNTS EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT -loyal to the deal -meet goals MALLS TRADE DISCOUNT offered to specific group of customers to capture this special segment market SENIOR DISCOUNT SEASONAL DISCOUNT -free up room DISADVANTAGES OF DISCOUNTS MANUFACTURER SOCIAL MEDIA STORES deduction in the catalogue price of the goods allowed only if the quantity ordered is quite large These are price reductions given to members of educational institutions, usually students but possibly also to educators and to other institution staff TRANSIT PROMOTIONS Some retailers (particularly small retailers with low margins) offer discounts to customers paying with cash, to avoid paying fees on credit card transactions. reductions to a basic price of goods or services DISCOUNT PAYMENT BASED DISCOUNT -increase sales NEWSPAPERS A discount offered by a company to employees who buy its products -attract customers -build good reputation of the company STUDENT DISCOUNT -save money for customers these are price reductions given when an order is placed in a slack period CASH DISCOUNT A discount offered to customers who are above a certain relatively advanced age, typically around 60 given so that the buyer is induced to place an order